Mid-Month Musings from adoptēre

Submission Call for Anthology Pieces, Boosts, and Growth

Melissa Corrigan
Adoptere: Auditing the Narrative
Sent as a


3 min readMay 17, 2024


Hello friends!

What an exciting month this has been for me. My oldest child has flown the nest, officially, moving into his own apartment at the beginning of the month.

Although it’s just across town, I can already really feel the separation, and it’s hard! Harder than I thought it would be. It forces me to recall my earliest days of independence from my adopters; while the freedom and space to breathe were positively incredible, the difficulty of starting with literally nothing (a suitcase of clothes and $200 cash), being homeless for a while, and clawing my way into an actual adult existence is never far from my mind. It was hard. Really hard. So I wanted my children to have a much better footing in life when they flew the nest, and my son… doesn’t have as much of a foundation as I would like, so I’m a nervous mom right now.

Regardless, his independent life has begun, and unlike me and many other adoptees, he knows he has a loving home to return to absolutely anytime, and he will be accepted and loved unconditionally through whatever life brings. That is a really good feeling.

May is frequently a month of transition. Many military moves take place in May and June to coincide with school schedules. Students are ending school; college students may be moving for their summer months. Lots of moving, transition, and change.

If you’re like me, change is hard. It takes a lot out of me. In that vein, I wanted to propose a May-June writing prompt of Change.

What kind of changes have you gone through in your life as an adoptee?
How do you handle change?
If you could change something about adoption, yours or in general, what would it be?

I can’t wait to see your submissions. Last month, our Boost success rate was astronomical: almost every single piece that I nominated for a Boost was boosted! I am very proud to nominate your stories, and it is so vital to move the needle in the narrative of adoption that our stories are heard and pushed to the forefront of the conversation.

That’s my goal here. To elevate your words, stories, experiences, and truth and reach a wider and wider audience.

To help our reach widen, I need your help. Make sure you’re following adoptēre and reacting, responding, and sharing our stories. The more organic traffic we have, the more exposure and reach we gain. That doesn’t just mean more cash in the pockets of our writers (although, it does mean more cash in the pockets of our writers), it means increased awareness of the realities of adoption through the only people that can tell the story: adoptees.

Also make sure to follow us on Facebook and share our stories there! https://www.facebook.com/adopteremag

I look forward to your submissions! I’ll also be gathering pieces from the archives and reaching out to those writers that I’d like to include in the anthology.

Thanks for your incredible work and for sharing your words with us.

Until next time,



Melissa Corrigan
Adoptere: Auditing the Narrative

55+x Boosted Writer. Mother, partner, survivor, adoptee, veteran, entrepreneur, friend, ally, & flawed human. I seek enlightenment & growth daily.