From Models to Contexts in Phoenix 1.3.0

Zachery Moneypenny
Published in
6 min readAug 11, 2017

Phoenix 1.3.0 has brought significant changes to the directory structure of applications and with it the promise of a more natural order to your files based on the design and architecture of your particular domain. However, the migration to Contexts from Models is not mechanical — you must do some work to evaluate how to represent your existing domain logic and schema declarations in Contexts.

If you’re not caught up with the development in Phoenix 1.3 have a look-see at this great overview:

In addition to sundry other changes to the directory structure of a Phoenix application, a significant change is the elimination of models as a concept. Instead, the expectation is that you’ll organize your business logic into contexts that make sense for your specific application.

This article will dive into how we migrated our nascent analytics platform from models to contexts when we upgraded to Phoenix 1.3.0. We’ll discuss the rationale we used to move from our specific models to other specific contexts, as well as choices we had to make along the way and hopefully provide some guidance for how your team can think about your own business logic.

We’re lucky that our code base is only a month old and therefore we don’t have an overwhelming number of models that needed to be migrated. The application’s young age, however, also grants us the opportunity to talk about it in its entirety.

It should be noted that before we started this work to convert models to contexts, we followed the Phoenix 1.2.x to 1.3 upgrade guide. The end result of that work was that our code was all moved to the new directory structure except the models, which still sat under the web directory.

Our application is a simple analytics platform to log events from the various platforms of our application: Cardigan. Yes we could (and do!) use Google Analytics, but we were looking to provide a training ground for a variety of technologies we’d like to start using regularly. We wanted to give various team members exposure to Elixir, Phoenix, React, Redux and GraphQL on an internal but nontrivial project. It’s still under development and close to MVP, but we wanted to upgrade to Phoenix 1.3 and move to contexts sooner rather than later so we could get used to the new paradigm.

Original models and services structure

The models we had thus far created in the application implemented user authentication as well as organization of entities that could have events logged against them. So users have a many-to-many relationship with accounts, and then an account has many products, a product has many properties and a property has many events.

I’d read a very interesting blog post on how to organize functionality that crossed multiple models and had started to use a services abstraction to encapsulate such behavior. For example, when a User is created we want to create a default Account as well. This requires us to create three database records: the user, the account and the join table record. Instead of cramming all of that code into the controller we instead create a function in the RegistrationService module that does the work. I was relatively satisfied with the division of logic, but found that contexts provided an even more satisfying design.

The first task when figuring out how to break our models in contexts was to decide where the line was between user authentication and our core analytics business objects. The distinction lay somewhere around the Account model but we weren’t sure if Account itself was more in a authentication context or more in an analytics context. Ultimately, we decided that the fact that accounts served to organize user access to functionality meant that it belonged in an auth context.

From there it was relatively simple to break down the rest of the models into either the auth context or the analytics context.

To the auth context went things like Session, User and Account. These were all primitive concepts used to authenticate and authorize a user against business objects.

To the analytics context went Product, Property and (soon) Event. These are the core domain objects that the auth context is guarding access to.

Finally, the operations context was created to scope access to the Health module which we use to generate the payload of health checks.

Context structure

The resulting structure was more like what you see here; now we can discuss what happened to our services.

One thing I didn’t quite understand when I started reading about contexts was what the context file itself represented. For example, if you have an analytics context then there should be a file named analytics.ex in the directory which defines the context interface. Then I realized that this was the services concept that we were already using. The context file/module defines the high-level API that you will invoke from controllers, etc.

In our case the ProductService and PropertyService functions neatly slid into the Analytics context, while the RegistrationService function went into the Auth context. It just made sense that instead of calling


we’d instead call


We should note that the validation.ex modules in the directory structure you see pictured are definitely misnamed. As we were attempting to move authorization-ish functions out of the models in order to keep them as schemas-only there was confusion as to where to place them. It’s likely we’ll end up moving them to some sort of authorization context in the near future but we’ll see how they fare where they are for now.

Alongside the move from models to contexts we wanted to ensure that the test directory structure continued to reflect the organization of the application code.

Test structure

We ended up replicating the structure underneath /lib to /test in order to keep the tests in the namespace of the module under test.

We again replicated the context structure underneath /test/support/factories so the ExMachina factories we’re using line up with the contexts the schemas are defined in.

Finally, to scrub the models concept utterly from our repo we needed to rid ourselves of /test/support/model_case.ex. We chose to rename the file/module to /test/support/context_case.ex and ripple the change out to all of the context tests. It was a bit tiresome, but we no longer have any references to models anywhere in our code.

And thus we’re now fully upgraded to Phoenix 1.3.0. Here at Adorable we’re really excited about this change as it’s a step in the right direction from the Rails problem where your /app/models directory contains a flat list of 50 files across many domains and sub-domains of responsibilities. The elegance comes with a price though: your team needs to sit down and discuss how your models break down into schemas and contexts. It’s a grey area in terms of architecture because sometimes there is no one right answer to where a schema belongs. In those cases we suggest moving in the most reasonable direction and then seeing how the code evolves. Moving a schema from one context to another is not the end of the world in terms of code change, and sometimes it’s simply not possible to predict how a schema that straddles contexts (think Account in our example above) will evolve with the code base.

Zachery Moneypenny is a Principal Developer at Rubyist for a long time, with experience in Golang and Javascript as well but moving towards Elixir and loving it.



Zachery Moneypenny

engineering manager at | opinions on tech interviewing | woodworking | song-and-dance man