CPAs Are a Secret Ally

Jen Remsik
Published in
2 min readSep 29, 2017
Artwork by Kelly Rauwerdink

As a small business owner many hats are often needed. For a time juggling those hats will work; however, there will come a point when an expert is needed. Where do you begin to find that expert?

At Adorable, we often turn to our Certified Public Accountant (CPA) at Port & Sacks, CPAs, S.C. for help. Think about it, your CPA works for a number of different people in different industries. When you find that you need help, chances are they will know someone.

Back in 2014, we needed a partnership agreement drafted. It just happened we had a meeting scheduled with Port & Sacks. Toward the end of the meeting, they asked if there was anything else they could help us with. We took them up on their offer and asked if they could recommend an attorney to draft a partnership agreement. As hoped, they provided a few recommendations.

Instead of spending days researching options, we had a few recommendations with introductions and an appointment scheduled within hours.

Your CPA is a great resource for expert tools such as bookkeeping software and payroll services, to name a few. These recommendations are often tools that they are familiar with, that they trust and that are easy for them to integrate with. There is no need to start from scratch researching multiple options when your CPA can narrow down that research to a couple.

The next time you need help and you are not sure where to start, turn to your CPA for a recommendation. You will be surprised by their many resources.



Jen Remsik

CEO of Training Tracker, a cloud solution for training compliance and auditing | Event Coordinator | Puppy mom