[Fastlane] Google::Apis::ServerError: [!] Server error

Jim Remsik
Published in
2 min readAug 16, 2017

tl:dr; If you get a Google::Apis::ServerError log in to the Play store and see if there are errors.

Stumbled across an inobvious error and hoping to give others a hint to get past the same.

We use fastlane to automate our mobile builds. While setting up a new development environment there were a lot of unmet dependencies and I was stepping through them one at a time. After quite an investment, and late in the evening, I met all the dependencies and was got all my credentials in place.

Our workflow through BuildKite built step-after-step successfully until it got to the “supply” step. This is the utility in the fastlane suite that publishes the apk to the Google Play Store, and it was giving me the following error:

Google::Apis::ServerError: [!] Server error

I assume I’d missed a dependency somewhere, that it had to be an environmental issue because, well, this is a brand new environment. Long story short, TOO LATE, I happened upon a similar issue on the fastlane repo on Github. bzSega’s problem was definitely different because I know we configured our testing. But, given nothing else I had tried worked I logged in to look at my settings and low and behold:

Some information about your app is incomplete.

We’ve built and released this app time and again. There’s no way in our minds that this was a question we failed to answer, so it must have come up recently.

Primarily Child-Directed

This is an easy question to answer because the audience of Cardigan is business professionals.

Sitting here stuck at the moment because the failed attempts have caused us to trigger our daily quota for application publishing, which is apparently a thing. Hopefully, this provides a pointer to someone else trying to decrypt that error message.




Jim Remsik

Founder at Adorable. World-renowned hugger, conference organizer, community instigator, and speaker.