AdQuick for the modern Billboard Co.

Fahim Ferdous
Published in
2 min readAug 23, 2017

AdQuick’s mission is to build the best user experience in the outdoor advertising industry. There are 1000+ media owners in USA alone, many of whom are still using expensive software from the 90s/2000s or using Excel. AdQuick has been building free, modern tools for media owners to manage and sell their inventory. We’ve already written about some of our innovative work in measuring ROI in out of home. In this post, we go through some of the tools we’ve built for our vendor partners.

Easily visualize what inventory is Available, On Hold or Sold.

Media owners have complete control over pricing and who sees their inventory. Give secure access to your teammates and keep everyone in sync. We already integrate with Excel and Ad Manager — so it’s easy to transition to and try out AdQuick.

Send customers a private proposal link and track when they open it

With email, it’s impossible to tell if a prospective customer is looking at your PDF or Excel proposal. With AdQuick, receive real time alerts when your customers open your link.

Keep organized and out of email.

After a campaign is booked, the status quo is to send a flurry of emails to share Spec Sheets, Design Assets and Proof of Postings. This is all now integrated in a single seamless experience on AdQuick

Save money and give your customers better photos by using our Proof of Posting service. Or level up with our drone footage program.

Since we work with multiple vendors, we are able to better achieve economies of scale and provide higher quality photos for a lower price. We’ve recently started testing drone footage POP with select partners. Check out a sample video: We make these services available to you at the fraction of the price you are spending now.

AdQuick is here to help.

We’re a technology startup — who’s founders come from Instacart, Amazon and Microsoft. We’re here to grow the out of home industry as a whole and improve processes for media owners, advertising agencies and buyers. Interested in learning more? Contact us at

