How AdQuick uses data to make outdoor advertising more ROI-driven

Matthew O'Connor
Published in
3 min readMar 21, 2018

At AdQuick, our mission is to make outdoor advertising the easiest ad to buy in the world. First, we make it easy to buy by creating a single platform to view, build, and book your outdoor advertising. Then, we help brands quantify the impact of their outdoor advertising (OOH) so their future outdoor campaigns are informed by ROI data. Below, we hope to give an overview of how we’re doing that.

Outdoor advertising, and all offline advertising, has always been notoriously difficult to measure. However, because smartphones allow customers to act in the moment and real-world data sources generate staggering amounts of data, outdoor advertising is more measurable than ever.

At AdQuick, our software platform helps brands add hard data and ROI to their campaigns once they’ve been booked. The ROI data comes in three main areas:

Direct Response

The first is direct response data. As alluded to above, nearly everyone (77% to be precise) has a device within arms reach that allows them to act on an outdoor advertisement in the moment. Even five years ago, that number was under 50%. This allows outdoor advertising to be part direct response when the format allows. As ubiquity of voice skills like Alexa, Siri, and Google assistant grow, consumers won’t even need to touch their phone to take an action.

Specifically, AdQuick’s turnkey SMS solution allows any brand to add a CTA on their campaign. See how AdQuick proved a $17 CPA using this method.

Halo Effects

The second way AdQuick is raising the ROI bar in the industry is by integrating with brand’s digital touchpoints. The “Halo Effect” is a term that describes the benefits one marketing channel receives from other channels. Historically, data-blind marketers have attributed 100% of the results to the last touch point, like the unfortunate marketer in the cartoon below. AdQuick is giving brands quantified visibility into the impacts outdoor advertising has on their online channels.

By integrating with Google AdWords, Google Analytics, and social channels, AdQuick is quantifying the positive halo effects brands are seeing. See how we calculated incremental social impressions for Drake’s brand OVO and revealed 2.6x click-through-rates on Google Adwords for a dog-walking app.

Movement and geo-location data

Technologies like smartphones, traffic cameras, bluetooth, Wi-Fi signals are making real world data more meaningful than ever. This geo-located data allows AdQuick to show companies the impact that outdoor advertising has on customer behavior.

For instance, we can track proportional foot-traffic increases for a Brick and Mortar who runs an outdoor advertising campaign. Similar technology also allows us to serve ads, surveys, or coupons to the same customers who have been primed with outdoor advertising. One commonly-used tactic that AdQuick allows customers to book directly is geo-fenced smartphone ads. Customers engage with ads in the vicinity of outdoor advertising over 30% more often than in areas without outdoor advertising. You see, outdoor advertising works and the data proves it.

You just need to know where to look. Let AdQuick be your guide!


