Beginner’s Guide to Facebook Pixel

James Ihn
4 min readMay 29, 2020


Digital marketing has changed the way businesses run their advertising campaigns. In the advent of the new digital era, especially for big brother platforms like Google and Facebook, advertisers can practically track and measure every little interaction their customers have with their website.

Instead of just running mere brand awareness campaigns, advertisers can now determine which events they want to track. This is important because traffic that comes and goes with no purpose is actually worthless. In order to get the maximum results, you need traffic that converts. And for Facebook, the best way to do it is through the Facebook Pixel.

Introducing the Facebook Pixel

The Facebook Pixel is a snippet of code you put on the header of your website. By inputting the code, you can collect data that helps you track conversions and build a more customized audience for re-marketing purposes. The pixel essentially triggers cookies to track users as they interact with your website and your Facebook ads.

Remember, without installing the pixel, you WON’T be able to measure your ads’ performances in detail. You’ll just be burning money on ads and not know the proper conversion path to achieving a positive ROI.

To install Facebook pixel, follow these steps below:

  1. Go to the Events Manager
  2. Click Add New Data Source
  3. Select Facebook Pixel
  4. Add your Pixel Name
  5. Click Continue

After this, you’ll be given three options to choose from:

In most cases, you’ll probably need to install the code yourself, unless your website runs on Squarespace or you know how to use Google Tag Manager. You can also email the instructions to a developer, in which case you only need to insert the email address and click send.

When you manually install the code, you can copy and paste the pixel code directly to your website. The code will go inside the <head> tag. After you input the code, you need to also set up events to track specific actions people take on your website. To do this, you should:

  1. Go to Events Manager
  2. Click your pixel and go to Set Up
  3. Select Set Up New Events
  4. Click Manually Add Event Code
  5. Select the specific event
  6. Copy & paste the code snippet just below the </head> tag on the event page.

You can also set your conversion value to better measure your ROI. However, it’s not necessary to fill this part.

Once you are finished setting up the codes into your website and determining which specific events to track, you should head to your Ads Manager and customize the columns to display the conversion metrics on the front page. Make sure you only check the event metrics that have the pixel installed.

What Now?

You’ve just completed setting up the most important function in Facebook ads. With the pixel installed, you can now see which actions your customers take after clicking on your ads. Let’s look at three benefits to running ads with the Facebook pixel.

  1. You can show relevant ads to the right people at the right time. For example, you can target new customers, people who’ve visited a specific page of your website or taken a specific action like add to cart, etc.
  2. Your ads can be shown to people who have the tendency to purchase similar products on a similar website. This will increase the rate at which your potential customers will purchase your products from your ads.
  3. In addition to tracking simple link clicks, you can actually see what people have done within your website.

Connecting Your Facebook Pixel with Adriel

Connecting your Facebook pixel to your Adriel account is pretty straightforward. Here’s a general breakdown of the steps.

  • Step 1: Check your Facebook account status — You must have a Facebook Business Manager account and you must have admin privileges for your Business Manager accounts.
  • Step 2: Share the pixel with Adriel — You must assign Pixel permissions to Adriel. Adriel’s Business ID is 525463574501100.
  • Step 3: Go to the Audience Page in your Adriel account and click “Share Pixel.”

If you’d like a more thorough explanation to the listed steps above, click here.

Advertisers wanting to maximize their ROAS should always add the Facebook pixel in their website. It’s the best way to measure and track every traffic that comes from your ads. Make sure you follow the steps above (including connecting with Adriel) to run your online campaigns more effectively.

If you haven’t already done so, sign up with Adriel and get $10 coupons on your first campaign!

