Ask John: Why Adriel?

Kevin Eum
3 min readJul 3, 2019


Meet John

He’s just opened a health store in West London. He has a small customer service team and his background is in health and retail, not digital marketing.

John wants to raise awareness locally for his new store. He’s also keen to drive traffic to his website, where his stock can be purchased online.

John has set up social media accounts for his new business and tried to create a buzz around the store’s website, but traffic, sales and followers are hard to come by from a standing start.

John decided to put some money into paid promotions online, but so far the results have been mixed. Ads on Google, Facebook and Instagram are complicated to create and confusing to set up, and it’s not clear what steps he can take to improve their performance.

John has a business to run and other things to focus on, so he looked into hiring an agency to handle the digital marketing for his store. They asked for a minimum monthly budget and required at least a 3-month contract. He’s not sure what to do next.

John, meet Adriel

John heard about Adriel, a new platform that uses AI to help business owners build, manage and optimise online ad campaigns.

The first thing he noticed was how simple and straightforward the process was. With little more than the address of his store’s website, some pictures and basic information about his target audience, the Adriel generated professional-looking ads in a matter of minutes.

Next, John had to set his daily budget and the length of his campaign. He decided to spend £20 per day for 2 weeks and see how things turned out.

Throughout the process, a member of Adriel’s customer success team was on hand to answer questions and offer advice. There was no upfront cost, no minimum budget and no minimum campaign length — just 100% freedom and flexibility to stop and start anytime he wanted. It was easy.

What surprised John most was that clicking ‘Launch’ wasn’t the end of the process.

Adriel’s AI then set to work, automatically managing John’s campaigns across Google, Facebook and Instagram and iterating his ads to get the best results within his budget.

Tangible results and more time to spend running his business

It took John just 5 minutes to start advertising his health store online. With the power of AI and the experience of Adriel’s customer success team, John was able to launch an ad campaign that was professional, sophisticated and targeted to perfection.

He was able to check the progress of his campaign at any time from his smartphone.

Working with Adriel was quick and simple. It left John with more time to spend developing new products and building relationships with his customers.

John didn’t have time to become an expert digital marketer overnight. Creating, managing and optimising his online campaigns with Adriel gave him everything he needed to raise the profile of his business, fast.

Are you ready to follow in John’s footsteps? Sign up today and get additional ad credit to start advertising with Adriel.

