04 Essential sales principles to claim for long-term success

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6 min readJan 24, 2020

There more than a few timeless sales principles that now I have seen proven time and time again consistently. And so today, I am going to share with you some powerful sales principles or truth that I have learned or discovered in my four years of working in this profession. I have learned them from my trials and errors, working with many individuals or businesses and from sales leaders and experts who have directly or indirectly taught me how to sell effectively over a long time.

So, now nothing on this list is rocket science, new or ground-breaking. These are all proven, powerful and mostly are under-utilized philosophies. Always remember this, Simple does not always mean easy. These principles can be simple for you to understand, adapt, but it is not easy to act upon. It takes a lot of adherence, a positive mindset and readiness to master them. And trust me when I say this, once you do know how to beat the game through these principles, I guarantee that you will be successful and respected as several other business personas.

My approach to sales, business isn’t always driving it towards success all the time; it is about driving towards moderate success. Leaving a legacy behind us of honesty, integrity, and good intentions. It’s not always about revenue; it’s about how you generate those revenues.

1. Mindset always trumps technique:

So what exactly does this mean?

Let’s take this example: You have recently joined a new organization. You being in sales, have to undergo an induction and product sales training. The sales training is going to be conducted by one of the most renowned and experienced sales professionals. But, due to some problems with your personal life, you weren’t able to put your mind in use during the training. However, you were successful enough to gain a few insights into what was being taught. No matter how hard you tried to understand those tips, you were never successful enough to put them in use while selling anything.

This all happened because you were mentally not in the right place; your mind wasn’t functioning at its highest abilities. So, whatever techniques or ways you used to make that sale, nothing worked out. None of the tips, techniques will ever matter if you are not in the right mental starting point. Having the right mindset going into sales is the number one thing you can do to ensure your success.

I have seen many salespeople who lack in technique, who lack in process, make up for it and still seek success, it was all because of one positive mindset. Mindset can be a compelling thing, and if implemented in the right way, it can do wonders.

Photo by Malcolm Lightbody on Unsplash

2. Sales is not at all about you:

Selling is not about yourself. It always has, is and will be all about your clients. It’s about putting yourself in their shoes, to understand your customer’s major key pain areas in their business. You not only have to be in their shoe, but you also need to walk the high road being in their shoe. You have to care about them. It’s about them those key questions, make them feel respected. How many of us promise our customers that we are all about them or how important they are to us? But do we? You have to understand the difference between intent and impact. Most people listen in intent to respond, but you have to do a practice to listen to your clients in intention to understand them.

Help your clients feel that you are interested in solving whatever the challenges they are facing and assure them that you are there with them to make their business and life a better place. Customers are not intending to buy what you’re selling, they are buying you. So in that respect, sales is not about you but 100% to do it effectively about another person, thinking about them and doing every possible thing you can do for them. Relationships strive for sales. Likeability strives trust, and trust strives sales, always remember.

3. Provide value at all times:

Don’t you want your ideal clients to come to you or flock to or interact with because you are providing tremendous amounts of value to them? You are a resource to them. You are helping them learn about their business, about a market place, the competitor. So, you might want to focus on offering them something of value whenever you interact with your potential or current clients. And value addition can only be essential when you are selling something of the same value, having the quality product that is life-changing or the services that can give their business an active push or support. It has to be at least as good as your competitor or at least as good as other such services/products in the market.

You cannot just provide value to your customers without catering to them what you have to offer. You also should know what value you need to provide to get that first sale from your new client or a new project from the existing ones. Come up with that one thing that you can provide to your clients that will leave a sufficient imprint on your product/services and your impression. You will not only turn out to be resourceful to your clients, but you will stand out from the crowd of your competitors.

4. Hard work is real. Luck is not:

This is one of my favorite ones because this is what I stand by, in sales. The only thing you can always count on is hard work. Hard Work leads you to great opportunities. It leads you to your goal, your goal to get the “n” number of revenue in your business. Anyone who believes in luck is mistaken or way off base. People do get lucky, yes. People do believe in fate, of course. But, when it comes to sales results or let’s say any business results, luck doesn’t work. I have experienced a few sales rep envying each other because one of them usually thinks that they got lucky in a few areas, which led them to a successful sales career or revenue growth. I believe that mindset limits people’s abilities to think out of the box. It’s not real. It doesn’t take luck to get that first client, and again the first project from your existing client. It doesn’t take luck to be that first one in your team to hit the first sale of a fresh new year or a new month. It takes discipline, hard work, and dedication to doing so. So, if next time anyone tells you that you are lucky to be this successful enough, show them what you have been through and what hard work you put in to achieve what you have made.

Photo by Jordan Whitfield on Unsplash

Generating revenue can be robust. We all struggle with sales and sales strategy from time to time in our businesses and professional selling here at Adrixus, and it can be frustrating. But, we did get on track with the help of these essential sales principles. I guarantee you that these 04 factors will not only help you determine the best way to scale, determine a distribution strategy but at the same time will help you figure out how to open a new door to long-term sales success.



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