Top Four Technology Trends in 2021 to Lead the Market

Bhargav Patel
Published in
4 min readJan 23, 2021

The COVID-era has shown us a lot of things. From the rise of online influencers and streamers to great fall of industries like air-travel and hospitality, we have observed a lot of disruptive changes in the market taking place in a blink of an eye.

But, 2021 brought a new dawn for us! From developing a vaccine in a record-breaking time to rise of international share market, Post-Covid-era is not only coming up with some good news, but it is also showing us some amazing challenges as well. New companies are trying to establish themselves in the market and established companies are trying to grow their market share, fast!

But, here are the top four trends that a technology-focused company should adopt to lead its market and grow the market capital in 2021.

Go mobile

Playing high-end first-person games on the phones, learning online or even binge-watching your favourite shows, no matter where you live or what you do; mobile became our windows to see the world.

Most of the internet users in the world would access the internet for the first time on their smartphones only thus, engaging with them on the platform they are available has to be the first priority for every tech company.

Well, that’s about your consumers. But, as the remote culture is coming in the mainstream, managing the team has also become easy with the help of mobiles. From planning and productivity applications to managing communications and handling projects for remote project managers have become easy!

Adopting the consumer shift

Consumer needs are continuously changing. In the world where offline marketplaces were the norm, online ordering of grocery and other services has become a new normal these days. Well, that shift in the behaviours is the only constant in the market.

Thus, adopting tools with big-data and Artificial Intelligence would help the companies to identify where they need to invest their resources next time to never go out of the trend. Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Big Data and other technologies are still less explored and are yet to come in the mainstream markets. Thus, invest in that and build your research teams to grow faster!

Better management and digitalization

Organizations’ management is the most important pillar to build a brand. When you have a strong management team that can communicate the goals in a great way, can communicate with the team regarding their problems and understand the scopes better; the growth is surely going to be there.

But, the remote work culture has broken that human to human direct communication channels and a lot of small scale businesses face issues with managing the requirements of their teams. Thus, using new technologies and new tools to communicate and manage projects would help for sure.

Adopting digital shift for the employees is also a crucial part. From BYOD culture to now cloud and agile management are picking up pace in the organizations. Thus, sync of good management and digitalization can play its part in the company growth.

Be omnipresent

Well, we all know that the brand that gest the most visibility in the market can sell well. So, becoming omnipresent for your customer is the primary need.

Gone are those days when you ran your companies for certain times. Now, the companies have to run their operations 24 hours 365 days without giving any excuse. Automatic chat tools, process automation tools, customer success management tools and even human resource tools are very crucial in order to achieve that zero downtime.

Plus, visibility on the digital side is also very important. From becoming visible on social media to bing available on chatting applications like WhatsApp and Telegram has become a thing. As the new generation of entrepreneurs is taking over the market, you have to be available where they are going to find you the next time. Tiktok, Twitter, Twitch, Podcasts, you name it and having your presence there would make a lot of difference.


Moving out of the recession and the fall of some industry bu COVID is necessary. By adopting the digital transformation and helping your partner brands to come off it would need a lot of planning, management and adaptation of tools and technologies.

Thinking on the positive side of the COVID, it has us an opportunity to adopt a shift in the system and we are now trying to make our systems as efficient as we can! What is your take on adopting the technology shift in 2021? Let’s discuss on, now.

