Roadmap update: completions to the right, achievements to the left

2 min readApr 6, 2022


Adshares Q1 review

With the third month of 2022 right around the corner — it might be a good time to have a look at how we’re getting along compared to our plan.

Video, 3D ad formats

As announced — our protocol is now capable of carrying and displaying static and moving images as well as HTML, MP4 or 3D (.vox files for Cryptovoxels for the time being). While the CV integration already working — the DCL needs a bit more tests to be completed.

With the addition of precise metaverse targeting (the ad server user may choose a specific parcel to display their ad) — this opens an era of customized branded 3D experiences.

More metaverses integrations and partnerships

Decentraland (MANA), Cryptovoxels integrations — completed stage two integration of the ad protocol with lands.

PolkaCity (POLC) — as already announced — we’ve completed talks with the management to implement Adshares as the “rail works” for advertising exchange and monetization of citizen’s lands.

One-click server login

As you may have read recently — our ad servers already provide the possibility to open an ad server account with one login. One can open an account using the native ADS wallet as well as the MetaMask wallet on BSC. ADS wallet is available for the most popular browsers - Chrome and Mozilla.

New partnerships, expanding our professional community

We promised to expand our community — here’s what it really means. A community that goes beyond private investors and into the professional communities.

  • Our collaboration with Cookie3 revolves around providing clients and users with more precise targeting possibilities.
  • Partnering with Subme — a launchpad for new crypto projects — as a provider of the underlying ad exchange protocol.
  • Our friends at Copernic Space give us challenges that helped us test and learn the possibilities and boundaries of 3D.
  • And Metadsverse have shown that you can really build your own ad exchange operation using the Adshares protocol.

What is coming in Q2?

We are going according to plan and we will do our best to implement the expected milestones in the second quarter. This time redesigning and improving the site, adding a control panel to ad servers, media partnerships and ambassador programs are aimed at rethinking the Adshares brand.

Any suggestions on how to improve the advertising in metaverse? Join our social media and contribute to adtech market:

Adshares Community




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