The New Business Development Roadmap, a rebirth — Part One

8 min readMay 10, 2021


For several months we have been working with intensity and commitment to redefine our objectives and ambitions, our methods and our priorities.

In the shadows and in silence, we have been preparing for this very particular moment in the journey of the adshares project.

We couldn’t hope to achieve our objectives without a relevant and impactful strategy!

We rethought our business plan and adapted it with agility to the new market reality. It’s not just a few tweaks. It’s a profound redefinition of our objectives and the resources implemented to reach them.

Our new business roadmap prefigures a kind of rebirth: new tokenomics, exchange listing strategy, new staking rewards incentive program, adshares ambassadors program, ambitious business, sales strategy, and much more to discover!

In a series of articles, we will reveal in detail every aspect of this new fundamental.

The present article aims at clearly and synthetically stating the foundations of the adshares project, including the new major evolutions:

  • Go-To-Market Strategy
  • Product Viability
  • Revenue Streams
  • Technologies used
  • Economy
  • Tokenomics
  • Multichain strategy

This can be considered as a Holders Deck.

The next one will introduce the new Business Development Roadmap.

Adshares (ADS) Blockchain Advertising

About Adshares

Adshares is the first 100% decentralized marketplace for programmatic advertising, also being one of the most advanced blockchain-based projects in the advertising market. We use our own blockchain to connect publishers and advertisers, allowing them to make direct deals.

ADS coin has a native ESC Blockchain that can handle a lot of transactions per second while charging very small transaction fees (1 per mille).

ADS Blockchain has been tested to process up to 1.4M transfers per second, making it significantly faster than Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitshares, and all other available blockchains.

The network has been running smoothly for several years now.

Adshares Statistics

Go-To-Market Strategy

First market: Adshares goal is to become a major player in the blockchain advertising market. This will be achieved through the advantages of true decentralization and scalability — Adserver network.

The crypto market is the first step, followed soon by expansion into other sectors. The blockchain world was chosen as the first target because it has the greatest potential for decentralized solutions adoption.

There are currently over several hundred publishers on the network.

Partnerships: the transition to the mainstream will happen largely through partnerships with top premium publishers. By initially placing Adshares banners only in select locations on their sites, publishers will have the opportunity to become partners without the risk and need for difficult integration. The ease of integration will allow for the seamless acquisition of new partners and going live.

Scaling ecosystem: Adserver is a way to start and maintain an advertising network for free, using Adshares open source software. Tools are used to comprehensively manage banner ads on websites.

We aim to create a large network of distributed Adserver’s to handle the majority of ad payments in the crypto world. Everyone has the ability to create their own Adserver on the network and run an ad network that requires no development work. Team Adshares will focus on extending this network into the blockchain space. This way, instead of becoming a single ad agency, one can quickly scale the ecosystem and operate as a whole network of independent operators working on their bottom line.

ADS adoption: Adshares Network runs on ESC Blockchain and uses ADS for ad payments. Every Adserver uses ADS for payment. This is the driving force behind ADS adoption. Transaction commissions of 1 per mille enable exceptional throughput, plus coin users receive a part of that commission.

Adshares oversees the blockchain ecosystem, the operators oversee their ad networks, the publishers monetize traffic, and the advertisers reach new customers.

What connects them is the ADS!

Product Viability

Using an ad network for banners on a website is nothing new.

Adshares adds a layer of decentralization to the current concept that helps scale the ecosystem. In addition, it gives the opportunity not only to use ads appearing on the web but also to manage campaigns from the customer panel in Adshares.

The very design of the software from the side of the advertiser and publisher is very intuitive, and at the same time allows for a very good adjustment to the users’ requirements.

Settlements are made with the use of ADS coins, which ensures safe and very cheap settlements.

Adshares Blockchain Advertising Comparision

Revenue Streams

Revenue streams are campaign commissions. Commissions are charged by the Adserver operator. Bids are set for advertiser and publisher separately. Also the Adshares commission is charged for each adserver as a license built into the system.

Until now, this commission has been set at a very low level due to the lack of the need for fast monetization, however, these levels may be adjusted in the future.

In the case of selling premium ads, a commission is charged.

Transaction fees distribution

In addition, the commission (per mille from each transaction) for each transfer is divided between all coin holders with wallet activity last year.

ADS burning

We have two burn-like mechanisms embedded in our system. One is in blockchain itself — dividends. We put all fees collected from transfers and other blockchain operations into dividend fund. Dividend funds are then proportionally given to ADS holders every 2048 blocks (around 12 days). This creates a mechanism that ADS are flowing from active users (who pay fees) to long term holders. This in turn reduces free floating supply. The second scheme is tied to the application layer. Our Adserver network works around the principle that 1% of ad turnover is sent to a certain ADS Address. Those funds will be locked forever or at least until we establish DAO-style governance and there will be future decisions to employ those funds for network benefit. We also build the same mechanism in our future services, such as soon to be launched Adshares Social services, that will enable advertisers to buy paid promotion on social networks in s decentralized manner.

Adshares (ADS) Revenue Streams

Technologies used

Our platform uses blockchain technology to connect publishers and advertisers to let them make direct deals. Adshares is an open ecosystem that allows anyone to start offering ad-related services in a fair and transparent marketplace. Join us to benefit from the lowest fees, lack of intermediaries, and instant payments for publishers.

We started positive changes in digital advertising, and we are proud that Adshares is making a contribution to this process. We believe in the power of the open-source community and the transparency of blockchain, which is why we chose to develop a blockchain-based ecosystem, showing all progress on Github. Adshares is not about a central group or an individual controlling the market, but about creating a decentralized space for the market to grow freely. We believe that this freedom will spark innovation and more freedom will follow.

The ADS Blockchain is a fork of the Enterprise Service Chain (ESC), a blockchain software technology capable of facilitating high volumes of simple transactions which, similarly to other cryptocurrencies, allows sending tokens between user accounts. ESC derives its name from the concept of the Enterprise Service Bus, where a cryptocurrency is used as the communication protocol.

The main features of the ADS Blockchain can be summarized as follows:

  • Delegated Proof of Stake as a block consensus mechanism to reduce network maintenance costs
  • Small account and transaction identifiers, reduced transaction set, and parallel processing of transactions to facilitate high transaction volumes (>100kHz one-one transactions, >1MHz one-many transactions)
  • Nodes are heavily penalized for double spends so most transactions can be trusted almost instantly
  • A small set of VIP nodes responsible for network integrity to facilitate incorporation of slow nodes with reduced transaction processing capabilities
  • Hash of all accounts is part of the block and enables instant synchronization with the blockchain
  • Hierarchical organization of accounts and nodes facilitates KYC, AML, eID supply, and governance
  • Dividend payments to account holders and node managers to support the growth of the economy of the ESC system

Enterprise Service Chain Blockchain:


Adshares Economy

Publishers: earn with ADS for website traffic
Advertisers: spent ADS for campaigns
Adserver: automatically accounts for all campaigns on the network in ADS
AdSelect: a rating system for publishers that determines their incomes in percentages
AdClassify: ads classification and approval (made by admin)
Fees: 1 per mille of every transaction. Fees are divided by every coin holder and node operator.
Future: coin holders will vote for publisher classification

Detailed Token Metrics

ADS token metrics

Adshares (ADS) token distribution

Token release schedule

There are few ways to get ADS, and they are explained here:

Adshares multichain strategy

ADS multichain

Adshares will explore multiple blockchains as a part of its cross-chain strategy and. This is a key milestone in its new business development roadmap.

In the first place on the roadmap is Binance Smart Chain to allow users from the BSC ecosystem to easily access without downloading additional apps, creating new wallets, and updating configurations in the ADS wallet. ADS holders will be able to participate in BSC-base projects such as PancakeSwap or BakerySwap.

The second will be Ethereum ERC-20 wrapping to enhance the accessibility of trading on major DEXes.

Plans also include bridges to majors chains to increase the adoption of ADS.

ADS will now be multichain, that’s it! So there may be a question about the point of having our own blockchain.

Why can’t we just use Ethereum ERC-20?

The answer is simple: to serve the global advertising market we need an ultra-fast ESC Blockchain. Only it is currently able to settle microtransactions for ads and charge only 1 per mille transaction fee. Additionally, its throughput of up to 1.4 million transactions per second allows gaining a significant competitive advantage over expensive tokens.

Multichain is good for broad ADS adoption, but supporting the Adshares ecosystem requires a native Enterprise Service Chain.

In an upcoming article, we will unveil our next business development roadmap for the period 2021 to 2023. Key milestones, goals, and major improvements will be clarified.

Stay tuned!




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