The Mental Fitness Revolution

Adam Hill FRSA
Published in
5 min readFeb 4, 2018

Last year I wrote about Mental Health in Digital and I thought it was past time that I gave an update. It’s been an unbelievably busy few months on all fronts, but there is one thing for sure – I believe there is a “Mental Fitness Revolution” going on, and while its just the beginning, I’m so excited.

I was really energised back in October having seen the response to Sunderland Digital, and conversations and meetings I’ve had following. This energy has gone up a notch since, witnessing amazing projects go up around our region and nationally to help this hugely important issue. Here’s just a couple that I’ve had direct contact with in the last few weeks.

Digital Showcase: Mental Health

The Digital Showcase events at Campus North have been going on for almost two years and are one of the most popular regular digital events in the region. The teams at Campus North and Tech for Life are simply fantastic and doing so many great things right now, so it was no surprise when they chose Mental Health and Wellbeing as the topic for their January event.

Soon after arriving I was informed that one of the speakers had to leave after an emergency and was asked if I was able to speak. I hugely appreciated the care that was taken in asking, given how talking about my experiences is certainly not something I find easy. That said the crowd at the event and the other speakers were clearly all close to the subject and it created a feeling of calm and engagement that helped me deliver the talk I gave last year at Sunderland Digital.

Hearing from Sage and from Sanctus was both exciting and encouraging to know that there are ground breaking initiatives being developed that really do make a difference. While my story was probably a more personal journey as much as a tangible project, it was so touching to receive the responses I did. I’m still trying to get back to all the messages that came flooding in that night and the following days. It’s another clear indicator that this is a topic which affects so many, and that there is a drive for change building.

I’m hoping that other meet ups and gatherings in the digital sector will approach the topic of mental fitness in this way.

Resilience and Authentic Leadership for Entrepreneurs

The Creative Fuse funding call last year received a huge amount of applications from organisations and companies covering the breadth of the creative and cultural sector. With only around 20 projects funded it was really great to see this project given funds to develop a programme for developing resilient leaders in the region.

I had been following this for a while having had a number of conversations with one of the great connectors and innovators in our sector, Justin Souter. Justin had been at all the mental health events I had attended (and a whole lot more!) and his passion and personal connection to the topic has been clear. I was so happy to hear that this deserved project was being supported and I think Justin and his colleagues are working on something vital to helping leaders deal with the many challenges they face.

In essence, it’s about helping entrepreneurs and innovators learn how to get back up, before they get knocked down (emotionally).

I urge you to get in touch with the group if this is something that resonates with you and I would like to personally applaud the work being done here – it will really make a difference.

Digital Mental Health North East: Think Tank

Since my last post, we (Consult and Design, in support of the awesome teams at Campus North and Digital Union) put out the details of our Mental Health North East: Think Tank event that will take place on Monday 12th March at Campus North. The event is for anyone working for the development of Mental Health and Wellbeing in the digital workplace.

We believe that there is a lot more that can be done to address the issue of mental health in digital work places.

We have been blown away by the response so far as the event has sold out twice already and so we’ve already upgraded the room to ensure we can fit as many folk in as possible. The aim is to hear about what is happening across the region and discuss first steps we can take in order to synergise, cooperate and amplify the amazing work already happening. We don’t know yet, but we’re also hoping we may also be able to get some new initiatives off the ground.

The events above (and so much more going on) are a clear indicator that there is an appetite for change, and I sincerely believe that together we can do even more.

The Revolution has Begun…

In addition I’ve had conversations and heard about initiatives and concern coming from multi-national corporations such as Sage, multiple HR companies that are focussing on the often unrecognised needs of mental health awareness and a cross section of civil society organisations highlighting the issue as their priority for 2018.

With all of this great work going on across the region, I believe we are already seeing the start of a necessary culture change. However there is still a long way to go, and I’m hoping we can bring some cohesion to that work in the digital sector (and beyond) and amplify it even further through the Think Tank. If this is something you can help with or want to get involved, I hope you’ll join us in March, or get in touch with your thoughts.

If we can improve the mental fitness of people across the region, we could change the culture forever, remove the stigma and literally improve lives for people everywhere. We need this revolution, every single one of us.

And Finally…

I just wanted to recognise all of the organisations above already doing great work, but specifically:

  • The amazing staff in the NHS doing everything they can to support those in need of help under unparalleled (and in my opinion unnecessary) hardships
  • The incredible and integral charities and organisations doing significant work in the community and voluntary sector
  • Everyone who has reached out and helped someone struggling with life and/or work. Whether preventative or supportive, you never know the impact you could be having – I’m quite sure it means more than you will ever know.



Adam Hill FRSA

Digital leader and trustee with 25+ years helping people and organisations across the world to make a difference with technology.