No pain, just gain

Published in
2 min readOct 4, 2019

Did you ever have to code an e-mail signature for a client or clients?

No more countless tables, inline CSS and Microsoft Word rendering engine for Outlook when trying to change e-mail signature. AdSigner is now your life saver. Photo: iStock

You may be thinking that it’s a piece of cake, just a few simple HTML tags and we are done, BUT then you must deal with countless tables, inline CSS and Microsoft Word rendering engine for Outlook. Yay!

It can be a daunting task. Many e-mail or web developers who are new to this find that the complex and diverse e-mail client ecosystem causes endless consumption of headache pills. Inconsistent rendering of HTML code, a fix for one e-mail client breaks their signature in others, or something as simple as margins or paddings are supported in only some of the e-mail clients and even then, only on certain elements.

If you must use an empty table for consistent spacing between paragraphs, then you know it’s not going to be pretty.

That is why I love signature generator services like AdSigner. In case of a signature generation, they are all basically the same: all you have to do is input business data and insert the signature with a step-by-step creation and implementation guide. No HTML coding, no CSS inline, nothing! All the hard work like table layout or testing is done for you.

But in case of Adsigner there is even more — a fully automated ad banner image change in the signature.

Let me explain further. Many signatures have promotional banners under it, which is essentially just a simple image with a link.

Now imagine the client instructs you to change the banner. What do you do?

Campaigns — feature that allows you to changes the e-mail banner automatically, without the need to re-implement the signature. Photo: AdSigner

Probably host a new image somewhere and change the html code of the signature, which means you must change the link and the image URL. Then you re-implement the signature in the client’s e-mail client, most likely using TeamViewer. I have done it many times and let me tell you: it is no fun.

ProTip: The feature is called Campaigns and it changes the banner automatically, without the need to re-implement the signature. Furthermore, it allows you to plan the change and define which images should change and when. All of this is done in one place using a single device.

Simply a life saver. Find out more >> AdSigner.




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