Sell, upsell and cross-sell with e-mail on a daily basis

Published in
2 min readSep 13, 2019
Through e-mail a potential customer can be turned into an actual customer faster and easier. Photo: iStock

Email as a sales tool is 40 times more effective than social networks. In 2018, both channels shared a similar number of users, yet their performances cannot be compared. E-mail marketing shows a significantly better CTR (click-through rate) and better conversion (GlobalWebIndex, GetResponse, 2018). This means that through e-mail, a potential customer can be turned into an actual customer faster and easier.

Email as a sales tool is 40 times more effective than social networks. Photo: Optinmonster

However, the traditional e-mail marketing (i.e. newsletter) has two essential weaknesses. Most of the time, it turns out to be disruptive and often finds a way to the spam folder, thus landing far from the eyes and the heart of the receiver. Sales, which do not reach the heart of the customer, are of course not particularly effective.

What do we get if we take the off-putting annoyance factor away from the traditional digital marketing and add the effect of spontaneous message exchange? We get the ideal solution and opportunity for any ordinary e-mail to become your effective sales tool. A professional banner added to the electronic signature gives the three most cost-effective ways to generate sales:

  • Returning the existing ones and getting new customers — selling
  • Automatically generating a higher buying interest — upselling
  • Presenting and selling additional products and services — cross-selling

Once the message is sent, the banner will speak on your behalf each time the message is seen, without additional time invested neither by you nor your co-workers. It will do this everyday. (without an effort)

ProTip: Read how to create a successful advertising banner and simply insert it into any electronic signature: An engaging and attractive ad banner content or visit AdSigner .




Turn your ordinary emails into an extraordinary marketing tool and take your business to a new level.