The benefits of clickable banners

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4 min readMar 2, 2020
It is important to know the amazing benefits of adding links to the banners inserted in your e-mail signature, to excel your marketing in today’s cost-conscious environment. Photo: AdSigner

Banners have become an inseparable part of today’s digital marketing. The banner advertising has evolved through time from displaying in famous publication websites to social media ads, and e-mail ads. This advertising space has also taken leverage inside e-mail marketing content and in e-mail signatures.

Despite the banner usage in e-mail signatures, not many put an effort to add a link to these banners. Inserting a promotional banner in an e-mail signature is not the only important aspect to utilize the strategy. It is also extremely important to know the amazing benefits of adding links to the banners inserted in your e-mail signature, to excel your marketing in today’s cost-conscious environment.

With a simple link to a landing page added, a banner displayed in the e-mail signature offers greater opportunities for sales and branding. Let us take a look at some of the great benefits of clickable banners.

The certainty of banner being viewed and clicked

Unlike normal banner ads, these banners are attached to every employees’ daily opened e-mails in their conventional business communication. As a result, the banners are not only viewed and clicked but welcomed by the recipient with the credibility of the sender. The user will always click on who and what they trust more.

Increase Click-Through-Rate

A survey has shown that banners designed with standout colors, an encouraging yet obvious message, together with a clear CTA button achieved 32% click-through-rates. Therefore, adding a link in the banner will allow the recipients to go to the desired landing page by clicking on them, eventually increasing your CTR.

By inserting links to your banners in ad campaigns, you will be able to precisely analyze campaign effectiveness, and continue, add or replace banners according to the recipient’s interests. Photo: iStock

More precise analytics for campaign optimization

Companies sending numerous business e-mails a day will certainly have many receivers clicking the banner links in the sender’s e-mail signature. These clicks can be used to track and evaluate web traffic, and optimize advertising campaigns. By inserting links to your banners in ad campaigns, you will be able to precisely analyze campaign effectiveness, and continue, add or replace banners according to the recipient’s interests.

Increase product awareness

Banners are often designed with less content in order to catch the readers’ first few crucial seconds. Inserting a link to your graphically designed banner, recipients are motivated to click on it and go to the landing page which has detailed information about what your business’s new service offers. This in turn excels your brand awareness. Furthermore, a clickable banner inserted in an e-mail signature of a regular e-mail is prominently more successful, and the content is noticed with each sent e-mail.

No extra cost

Advertising a promotional banner in other impression-based channels are often charged with significant costs for the number of ad impressions or clicks. And the cost on such platforms will only get higher with the increase in the number of views or clicks. However, the promotional banners inserted in your e-mail signature, are not charged for ad impressions and clicks. With the expense of a monthly subscription, every e-mail signature user will get unlimited views and clicks on their banners, all that with no additional effort or cost.

The benefits above surely show the great impact of clickable banners and using them in e-mail signatures. Try AdSigner and achieve all these benefits of clickable banners that paid online banner ads have not seen.

AdSigner allows you to display banners and multiple logo images inside professionally designed e-mail signatures, and add links to every image you insert into the signature template. Photo: AdSigner

AdSigner allows you to display banners and multiple logo images inside professionally designed e-mail signatures, and add links to every image you insert into the signature template. It also allows you to add hyperlinks for information fields like e-mail address, websites, and phone numbers, and social media networks such as Facebook, YouTube and Instagram. What more? With AdSigner’s banner campaigns, you can add multiple clickable banner ads into your e-mail signatures, and run them automatically in a scheduled period of time.

Having up to 62.4% greater weekly visibility of banners in e-mail signatures, the value and benefit with AdSigner-activated banner ads are endless for businesses.




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