AdWords Ad Extensions: Why You Should Use Them

Dinesh Thakur
Published in
10 min readNov 25, 2018

AdWords Ad Extensions have proved to be a boon in the concern of Ad campaigns.

Let’s see how?

With great hope, you are logging into your Google account.

Now it’s time to check the performance of your Ads and ultimately what you have reaped.

But what’s that?

Disheartened with the number of clicks and conversions?

Many times this is the scenario when the Ad campaign fails to perform as expected.

Consequently, the conversion is quite less which is not at all good for the success of the Ad campaigns.

Here, Adwords Ad Extensions can work as a booster for your Ad campaign.

It helps to increase the ranking of your Ads.

On the other hand, it helps to increase the click-through-rate of the Ads.

Sounds Great?

Getting curious to know more about Ad Extensions?

Let’s proceed further to under Adwords Ad Extensions in a detailed way.

What are Adwords Ad Extensions?

Ad Extensions are the additional relevant information about your business to expand the Ads.

Ultimately, increasing the relevancy of the Ads to the visitors.

This is one of the important strategies to get more clicks on the text Ads and improve the conversion rate.

Phone number, location, seller reviews, links from your website etc. are few elements that can be added in Ads.

As the level of competition has raised a lot, so every effort made needs to have a competitive edge to make you stand out.

In the case of Ads, Ad extensions are there to make your ad stand out from the crowd.

Providing you the feasibility to show a piece of information which others might not be showing in their Ads.

In the end, you never know what information might strike the visitor to click on your Ad.

What are the Benefits of Adwords Ads Extension

Optimization of text is the strategy followed by the advertisers to drive the best out of the Ads.

But this is not the ultimate solution to make the Ads more effective.

Here come ad extensions in the picture.

“Ad extensions not only extend the ads but also work as an effective method to increase the Click-through-rate.”

Many times people are not aware of the influence and impact that Adword extensions have.

But it really creates a great difference.

Let’s check out what all wonders it can do for your ad campaigns:

Constructive Medium to Add Additional Information

As we know that Ad extensions are the extra snippets to add on some more relevant information.

More information plays an important role to influence the users and creates a good impact.

There might be a possibility that an important information is missing in the add.

Ad extensions provide you the feasibility to add such information.

Such information generally creates a powerful impact on visitors.

Ads containing extensions are likely to get more clicks and positive response from the visitors too.

Hence, extensions work as an effective strategy to enhance the performance of the Ad campaigns.

Revamp the figures of your CTR

Adding more relevant information builds up the relevancy in the Ads.

The higher relevancy of the Ad calls for enhanced visibility in search engine result pages.

Every kind of Ad extension adds some value to the visitors.

In fact, it improves the overall performance of your Ad campaign.

And we cannot deny this fact that better performance means Ad is proving quite useful for the visitors.

The higher visibility and the value addition factor compels the user to click on the Ads.

In this way, Ad extension plays a significant role in increasing the CTR.

“It has been reported, there can be 10–15% increase in CTR on an average, if Ad extensions are added in the Ads”

Boosts the Quality score of the Ad

Quality score is one of the important factors that lead to a reduction in Ad spend.

Are you aware of this?

If not, then take a look.

As the name indicates, quality score is an aspect to analyze the quality of the Ad.

It will be on the scale of 1–10.

The superior quality Ads tend to score high.

Consequently, leading to inexpensive clicks.

The quality of Ads is dependent on three parameters which are:

  • User experience of landing page
  • CTR
  • Relevancy of the Ad

As we have already discussed, Ad extensions greatly contribute in two parameters i.e. CTR and Relevancy.

In the end, we can say that extensions play a crucial role to improve the quality score.

Ad Extensions Help to Get More Conversions

Conversions are the end results for which every Ad campaign works.

The higher number of clicks attracts more conversions.

Hence, with the improved CTR. businesses have ample opportunities to get conversions.

As we have mentioned in the above points, Ad extension leads to an improved CTR.

Not only this, Adword Ad Extension ornate the Ads with a wide array of qualities.

This includes good quality score, user experience, uniqueness in ads and high relevancy as well.

All these qualities are more than enough to increase the traffic volume and conversions too.

Great strategy to improve the Ad rank

Although bid amount is the prime deciding factor of the Ad rank but it is not the only factor.

Good CTR and good quality score are two important factors that are always under observation of Google.

Furthermore, as a reward results in the upliftment of the Ad rank.

How much value your Ad is giving to the visitors and what kind of user experience your landing page is delivering?

These are also some essential factors that also contribute to raising the rank of your Ad.

So, its better to use Ad extensions to enhance the effectiveness of the Ads and make them stand out from the crowd.

Categories of Extension:

  • Manual:

As the name signifies, in manual extension the business information needs to be filled manually.

The best part about these kinds of extensions is they are customizable.

Using these extensions, you can present the add-on information about your product or services in the way you want.

  • Automated:

In automated extensions, the business information is filled automatically.

These extensions are not at all customizable.

Hence, it will create the add-on information itself and display the information in the Ad.

If we talk about the two, manual extensions always have the upper hand over automated extensions.

It is because of feasibility to customize, which is not present in automated extensions.

It’s always better to create and customize the ads as per the business requirement rather than leaving it for automation.

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How to Use AdWords Ad Extensions

When extensions show

Hoping, you have got enough information on the concept of Ad extension.

After getting familiar with the importance of extensions, let’s discuss various types and its usage.

1. Sitelink Extension

The Sitelink extension allows you to easily add additional links which will appear below your Ad.

For better understanding, check out the example

Using this extension, you can provide extra information about your business offerings as shown in above example.

Providing sufficient information just in the first view of Ad attract the good number of clicks.

Also, it makes the click more relevant to the user.

Sitelink are not meant for business offerings only.

Instead, sitelinks of those pages can also be added on which you want to redirect the visitors. This can include Contact us, Testimonial etc.

Quick Tips

  • A title must contain only 25 characters or less.
  • There can be maximum 6 sitelinks on desktops while mobile can have up to 4 only.

2. Location Extension

Location extension allows you to add the location in Ads with a clickable link.

If you think that the visitors must be familiar with your store address then use location extension.

Most importantly, this extension can be the best choice for the businesses emphasizing more on foot traffic.

For example:

On the other hand, adding the location in the Ads makes it more easy for the people to find your physical store.

Consequently, it helps to get more store visits which might lose if people are unable to locate your store.

Here is another example:

Quick Tips

  • Try to use Geo-targeting while using location extension.
  • This will help you with better targeting of people with different locations

3. Callout Extension

Callout extension allows you to add additional descriptive text in your Ads.

Using this extension, you can add extra information relevant to your business.

Such information helps to drive the visitors towards call-to-action.

For example:

These extensions not only helps to expand the size of the Ads but also makes the Ad more influencing.

You can add unique offers or specific attributes about products and services.

For instance: Free shipping, 24*7 customer service, free pick-up service etc.

Here is another example:

Quick Tips

  • Limit of One callout is maximum 25 characters.
  • Use different callouts for different search terms

4. Call Extension

Call extension allows you to add your phone number to your Ad.

Using this extension you can provide easy connectivity to the visitors.

Mobile users have the feasibility to call you directly by clicking the phone number mentioned in the Ad.

For example:

It is another good way to enhance the mobile users’ experience.

Here is another example:

Quick Tip

  • If adding call extension then make sure someone is always there to address the call.

5. Structured Snippets

Structured snippet allows you to bring specific aspects of your products in limelight.

This extension provides you with additional three header text lines.

Using these, you can brief about types, categories, models etc. in which your business is dealing.

For example:

It is a useful extension to make the visitors aware of your business even if they have not clicked the Ad.

In simple terms, with these snippets, people can easily figure out what is the nature of your business.

Here is another example:

In snippets you can include:

  • Amenities
  • Brands
  • Courses
  • Destinations
  • Degree Programs
  • Featured Hotels
  • Insurance Coverage
  • Models
  • Neighborhoods
  • Styles
  • Service Catalog
  • Shows
  • Types

Quick Tips

  • 13 different types of values can be added to your structured snippets
  • Make use of headers wisely adding diverse content.
  • Use maximum 25 characters for one snippet.

6. Price Extension

As the name signifies, price extension allows you to add price along with the products and services.

Each price extension owns a separate link.

For example:

If visitors want to check any specific product or service including pricing, they can simply tap on link and check.

Such extension makes it easy for the people to find the pricing and product of their choice in no time.

Here is another example:

Quick Tips

  • Price extensions are visible only if the Ad is ranking in the first position.
  • Adding 5 products with price extension is a good strategy.

7. Promotion Extension

The name itself says what promotion extension is all about.

Promotion extension allows you to showcase deals, coupons, discounts, offers etc. in your Ads.

For example:

Attractive offers always entice the users and get immediate attention as well.

So, adding promotion extension in the ads can be a great idea to get more conversions.

Such extensions prove to be a blessing for the people who are especially looking for some offers.

As they can easily get the best offers right in front of their eyes without investing much time.

Here is another example:

Quick Tip

  • You can schedule promotion extension for custom holidays which you think will add value to your business.

8. Message Extension

It is a good option for the people who do not want to connect over the call.

Message extension allows you to add the text option in the Ad.


This extension works only for mobile users. Or it also works for other devices which are able to send and receive messages.

For example:

You can easily enhance the connectivity options for the users by adding call and message extensions together.

It is a good strategy to target both the segments of the people i.e. call and text lovers.

People can easily reach your products and services as per their convenience.

Quick Tip

  • Target more customer using call and message extension together.


Adword Ad extensions have emerged as the powerful means to improve the productivity of the Ad campaigns.

Every extension holds a great importance but one needs to understand its usage well.

Consequently, you can enjoy better targeting, increase in traffic volume, enhanced user experience and more conversions.

Ad extensions are not just to expand the Ad size.

In fact, it is a great medium to provide more details in the Ad regarding various aspects.

Adequate information in Ad will further help to get relevant clicks.

Hence, it is recommended to use Ad extensions and make the best out of Ad campaigns.

Author: Dinesh Thakur is the CEO of Ads Triangle which is a Google Partner and Bing Accredited Agency. Dinesh has helped hundreds of businesses to grow their revenue through digital marketing.

