Digital Marketing Tips for Small Businesses in 2019

Dinesh Thakur
Published in
12 min readMar 20, 2019
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“Necessity is the mother of invention”

And it’s the human needs only that leads to new inventions to make life more simple and sorted.

As time passes, people dig out something new that can really accommodate their needs in a more flawless way.

As a result, either the situation ends up with an advanced version of something or new development.

A couple of years back, people were not so much into being digital.

But as the time fly, their indulgence in the digital world seems burgeoning.

And if the whole world is under the influence of digitization… then how come the businessmen will be left behind to become digital.

Consequently, the old school ways of marketing transformed and tool the form of digital marketing.

Furthermore, this opened up numerous ways for advanced and effective marketing efforts to squeeze profits out of the business.

Before discussing any other aspect, it’s essential to discuss;

What is digital marketing?

Nowadays, digital marketing is the most common form of marketing.

In this kind of marketing, the products and services are advertised using the internet.

The concept of digital marketing does not revolve around only any one particular method.

As it is a powerful combination of various marketing methods used differently.

In the concern of digital marketing, there is a very common question that keeps bugging the people.

Why digital marketing is important for small business?

If your thought process says digital marketing is vital for small businesses then you are off base.

It is a powerful advertising technique.

It not only works well for small businesses but also for the large scale businesses.

The effectiveness of the digital marketing method is not at all limited to the size of the business.

This makes it equally worthy for every business type and size.

But now we are taking in the concern of small businesses.

There is nothing wrong to say digital marketing for small business owners is a boon-if used prudently.

Here the most important thing to bring into the notice is, you just need to be familiar with digital marketing to fare thee well.

There are thousands of Digital marketing ideas for small businesses.

Simply explore to use the right marketing methods as per the goal.

To carry the process in the right way.

Check out some points on why digital marketing is important for small businesses?

Brand awareness

The sole intent of utilizing marketing is to bring the brand and products into the notice.

Effective targeting and re-targeting options hold a great place in marketing strategies.

Helping the brand to reach as many as possible audience and make them aware of it.

Competition is really fierce, due to this people need to advertise to join the race.

Whether it is a startup or any settled business, online marketing is required.

It helps to serve the customers at the right time with the right product.

Even if they are not aware of your business, you have the opportunity to pull their attention towards your products and services.

Cost-effective method

Targeting relevant audience is the basic step practiced in digital marketing.

Whatever method you are opting, without targeting the strategies are incomplete.

Audience targeting leads to quality traffic that ultimately ends the business with ample conversions.

In this way, every single penny is used, without any wastage of money.

Analytics apprises you about the progress- what is working and what is not?

Consequently, the money is invested in the apt resources.

Overspending on under-performing campaigns is not in the books of digital marketing.

As you have the hold over the spending as per your budget.

Increases engagement

The more exposure your business will gain, the more engagement it will have.

Serving the mobile user with the best user experience is also an aspect covered in digital marketing.

It’s easy to reach the new potential customers in a more personalized way.

Whatever device the audience are using for their daily activities.

It is viable with digital marketing to reach the audience in the best possible way.

And better user experience is the key to engage more and more people.

To build trust in your business

References, recommendations, likes, and shares these all aspect gives a strong reason for new users to trust.

Social media is all about interaction, suggestion, and opinions.

When some business is new in the market and not much familiar with the people-all that is required is trust.

But that is not so easy to gain.

In this concern, reviews, experiences, recommendation really helps.

People will have a chance to know the services and products of a particular company better.

And they will have a sense of surety while making a purchase.

Also, the users are convinced in a positive manner.

To enhance the sales figure

Most importantly, the whole game of marketing ends up at conversions and sales.

Being familiar with the brand, people are more likely to make a purchase.

Their past experiences and quality satisfaction cajole them to return back to the website again and again.

Effective targeting aids in getting quality traffic.

And such a crowd comes to the website with the intent of making a purchase.

Probably, such crowd converts also.

The better you advertise, the better will be the response.

After all, it’s all about informing the users about the products and services in the most influencing way.

Hopefully, the given reason is enough to express the manifest importance of digital marketing for small business owners.

People who are not much familiar with the use of digital marketing have a very usual concern to deal with.

How do I market my small business online? or How can I promote my business digitally?

Although there are several ways in which Internet marketing for small business owners can be used.

Just need to be done in the appropriate manner.

To do it effectively, there are various tips that are really considerate to acquire the best outcome.

Check out 8 very practical digital marketing tips for small businesses

Website optimization with Local SEO

Whether it is about humans or search engines, until the website is not peculiar it is onerous to attract the local audience.

There are thousands of websites that are ready to serve local people.

But you have to give them a good reason to incline towards your website.

Not every website perform well in the local searches.

But why is it so?

Every website cannot reach the same position.

One has to be better than the other to secure a good position in the local searches…

This is where you need to tackle the competition.

The basic requisite for the success of any website is it should be visible enough to get noticed.

Only a well- built website is not the end of efforts, in fact, it must be in the limelight as well.

And this is what the SEO meant for.

Local SEO works on various weak elements of the website that are degrading the website ranking in local searches.

It works on making it compatible with the search engines and audience local searches.

Consequently, the website ranking will get a boost and become noticeable by the local audience.

To maintain a pace with the ongoing modifications and improve the SEO elements, keep in view the practice of SEO auditing as well.

Timely check ensures flawless functioning and better results for your venture.

This is one of the Digital marketing tips for small businesses to grab the attention of the local audience.

Focus on link building to increase domain authority

No wonder, link building is a crucial factor the accommodates upliftment of the website ranking.

And this is because links give another reason to the search engines to trust and apprise your website is relevant.

Quality links send a strong signal to search engine stating your website is popular, desirable and relevant too.

In this way, the link building helps to gain trust and make the website authoritative.

Try to comprehend as many links as you can.

But make sure they are from high domain authority and quality websites.

Few quality links are better than too many links from the low-quality website.

Hence, the focus must be on quality rather quantity.

Again, the concept is all about increasing the visibility and gain more exposure.

Link building is another powerful Digital marketing tips for small businesses to gain more insights for your website.

Never ignore the power of SEO

If you are familiar with the importance of Local SEO then it is really easy for you to understand the worth of SEO.

Limiting the business to serve the local audience only have a direct impact on the traffic.

Limited audience targeting means limited traffic.

And no one wants to have limited opportunities for their outlets.

Expand your business reach worldwide opting the search engine optimization.

This will aid in opening the floodgates of opportunities from the targeted countries.

There are several SEO strategies opted to end up with perfect website optimization.

Once your website is perfectly optimized, it can cater to the search of any visitor related to your niche.

Your website will not only appear in the local searches but also when the searches are made from your targeted countries.

This is one of the digital marketing strategies that is opted by almost every website owner.

Especially, to serve the user when they are actually looking for it.

So, grab more traffic by optimizing the website and keep adding on to your revenue figures.

SEO has emerged as one of the effective Digital marketing tips for small businesses.

As this option can aid you to open ways for unprecedented opportunities across the world.

Make content reachable using content marketing

How will you judge the worth of a content lying on your website?

Obviously, through the value, it brings to the business.

And this will be measured in terms of traffic, leads, and conversions.

But this is not viable with the limited reach of the content.

You need to make the best use of available content by enhancing its reach.

To do so, go for content marketing in order to reach out maximum crowd.

Its role is not just limited to expand the reach, in fact, content marketing is rewarding in many other ways.

Every piece of good content has the right to spread all over the world.

The more audience would be interested in your content, the more will be the opportunities for your business.

Once the audience gets interested in your blogs, articles etc. they are more likely to visit return back to your website again and again.

And that’s really good from the perspective of business growth.

No doubt, it can be addressed as one of the influencing Digital marketing tips for small businesses.

Make use of Social Media wisely

Promotion, promotion, and promotion- if this is what you think social media meant for then you are off base.

There is a lot that can be grabbed out of this platform.

To build up a business, promotion is not the sole strategy.

In fact, it also needs to be interactive.

There is a lot that can be done by social media for small businesses.

Social media is a great platform to increase audience engagement, brand awareness, building trust, loyalty and much more.

So, make use of every element of social media to infuse every quality in your business.

Gradually, you can blend some content as well so that the users do not turn their nose up.

Whatever social media platform you are considering, be consistent in publishing the content.

Hardly matters whether it is a video or a blog, just need to be a useful resource for the audience.

It is a great platform to grow your followers and build up your brand.

Close Interaction with email marketing

Small business owners seeking out to make a huge profit out of their business should not miss the email marketing.

Like any other approach, email marketing is important too.

It is an approach that increases the efficacy of marketing efforts.

Through email marketing, it’s easy to interact with your quality audience in a more personalized way.

As the email directly lands in their email box, leaving very less scope of ignorance.

Hence, email marketing aids in keeping the potential customers updated with the latest happenings.

An effective that succeeds in apprising the audience about the latest offers, new blogs, deals, new resources, and monthly updates as well.

Email marketing can be one of your biggest asset for marketing if used wisely.

Simply keep the mail short and simple.

Too long email can take the audience towards devastation.

Just try to hook the audience with valuable content to drive ample conversions.

Use PPC to get immediate traffic

If you do not want to wait much and looking for an option to grab immediate traffic then digital marketing also gives you the option of PPC.

PPC stands for Pay per click and you only need to pay as the Ad is clicked by the visitors.

You just need to hire the right PPC agency to run the Ads effectively.

Now people do not have to quest for your website to discover it.

And no doubt, more visibility directly results in more traffic.

Ads appear only when a user enters a search query or keyword.

This means users search intent hold interest in the related product or service.

And this is the right time to deliver your service or product right in front of the eyes of the visitor through your Ads.

Such visitors are more likely to convert as they are already in need of that product.

Now they just need the best Ad copy that can compel them to click and visit the website.

Improve your online reputation

We all have been through a phase when reputation influences the people’s actions.

And no doubt, this is the universal truth.

Where good reputation turns people positive and gives them a reason to trust you.

Contrary, a bad reputation hampers the liability and trustworthiness of a person.

The same law applies for the in the case of the online reputation as well.

And on the digital platform, one needs to be very particular about their online reputation.

Reviews are the best way in order to do so.

Aid your users to know your products and services better with the presence of reviews and ratings.

Not only the users will have a reason to buy products but also to trust your business too.

That’s why the reviews are important.

Try to encourage the buyers to leave a review on your site regarding products and services.

In case of any negative review, accommodate the users as soon as possible.

For such immediate action on reviews, you need to keep an eye.

The more your website will be packed with the positive reviews, the more will be the responses from the audience.

Most importantly, it is one of the productive ways to build your online reputation.

And to win the hearts of potential buyers.

That’s the reason why it is on the list of Digital marketing tips for small businesses.


Digital marketing provides a wide array of marketing techniques to advertise your products and services.

Small business can easily make use of any of them or they can use altogether as well for more efficacy.

Simply make the right choice and you can make any marketing technique worthwhile.

To assist you with the best, we tried to bring out the digital marketing tips for small businesses, so that nothing is missed.

And the long list of digital marketing methods can be used effectively after understanding their worth in business.

So, make use of every method with the best possible efforts to see the remarkable difference in the growth of your business.

Author: Dinesh has been doing digital marketing since 2007. Now he manages a team of digital marketers, developers, and project managers. As the CEO of Ads Triangle, Dinesh has helped hundreds of businesses to grow their revenue through digital marketing.

