Google RLSA Ads Best Practices for Search And Shopping

Dinesh Thakur
Published in
11 min readJan 12, 2019

Google RLSA feature is something that can help you to squeeze those conversions which you might have missed without RLSA.

Isn’t it amazing?

RLSA feature of Google remarketing is just burgeoning due to its effectiveness.

A user wants to purchase something and he begins his quest for the product.

Suddenly got acquainted with what he is looking for…

But have several queries that are influencing his purchase decision.

Not sure even after liking the product whether to buy it or not.

But somehow the webpage is abandoned due to lack of surety.

In this situation, a user is already half convinced.

So don’t you think if the same user is targeted again, he is more likely to get convert in comparison to those customers who haven’t visited your website yet.

Of course yes!

Here comes the need of RLSA in the picture.

What is a google RLSA?

RLSA basically stands for Remarketing List for Search Ad.

It is a feature that allows you to customize your search ad campaign for the visitors who visited your website earlier but did not convert.

There is nothing wrong to address the RLSA as the best approach to bring the customers back to take the positive action on the website.

RLSA ads are like the search ads that are created specifically for the remarketing list.

Never let your previous website visitors forget the product explored on your website.

Using the RLSA feature, maintain connectivity with the previous visitors whenever they conduct any search using the Google search engine.

You never know when a user changes his mind or get convinced to buy the product.

RLSA allows you to set the bids, ad creation, and selection of keywords considering the previous website visitors.

RLSA uses the remarketing list for all this customization.

Not clear about the remarketing list?

Remarketing list is the list of previous website visitors which is created on the basis of rules and criteria that you have set.

It is not like every website visitor who is not making any purchase on the website will be added in the list.

It is the list of audience liable for remarketing.

This list plays a significant role to complement the RLSA feature and make it work effectively.

Related Reading:

4 Hidden Treasures In RLSA Campaigns

Google Ads RLSA Best Practices:

1. RLSA for google shopping ads

Never forget to make use RLSA in the shopping Ads.

This will help to drive more sales out of shopping Ads.

As now you are familiar with what is remarketing list you can easily grab what is shopping remarketing list.

It is just the replica of the remarketing list.

The only difference is it is created for the shopping ads.

Shopping remarketing list is added to the Shopping campaigns.

And there is no doubt that shopping remarketing list plays a crucial role in the success of the campaign.

Using the shopping remarketing list you can segment the audience on the basis of how they engaged on the website previously.

Later on, it becomes feasible to target and bid on those members of the remarketing list.

There are many keywords on which advertiser generally do not bid.

But with the help of RLSA on can bid on such keywords taking the past website visitors into consideration.

For example:

  • Shopping cart abandoners
  • Loyal customers
  • Repeat customers etc.

This approach will help to increase the sales of your business.

Segmenting the shoppers you can address the need of every individual through your customized Ad copy.

2. Make the list of the audience using Google RLSA

The very step that is essential to proceed with.

Are you aware why it is essential to add RLSA in the search and shopping campaigns?

Segmentation of audience, modification of bids are the actions taken on the later stage of RLSA.

But the requisite thing to proceed ahead is to create the list of audience.

Until the sufficient audience data is not available to move ahead with, it is next to impossible to make use of RLSA.

Usage of RLSA in various campaigns helps to accumulate the adequate valuable audience data.

Once you have enough data with you, it surely helps, in the long run, to make bidding adjustments and segmenting the audiences.

3. Audience segmentation is vital in Google RLSA

Every segment of audience differs in its own way.

Different approaches, messages, and strategies are required to target the different segment of the audience.

One campaign is not enough to persuade all kinds of visitors to buy a product or service.

Hence, it is required to segment the audience for better targeting and a good conversion rate.

The base of the audience is quite large, this kind of situation urges to segment the visitors on the basis of their types.

If you are using Dynamic retargeting, a list will be automatically created on the basis- how the audience interacted on your website.

In the end, you have multiple remarketing lists indicating who all are:

  • Homepage viewers
  • Category page viewers
  • Cart-abandoners
  • Product or offer page viewers
  • Past converters

Analyzing the journey of the different types of audience you can easily understand that on which point they left the website.

Every individual has its own reason to abandon the website thus, the same message will not work.

So, using the segmented remarketing list you can target different segments with tailored message and ads addressing their needs.

For example:

Different Ad messages are opted to target the different segment of the people.

Right message leaves the right impact on the audience.

Furthermore, enhancing the effectiveness of Google RLSA and leading to more conversions.

4. Use Google RLSA for non-branded campaigns as well

Incorporating RLSA in the non-branded campaign aids you to drive more conversions from the non-branded keyword searches.

Oops! Not necessary that every individual is familiar with the “Non-branded keywords searches”.

Have a look to understand the point well.

Branded keywords searches:

These are the search queries which includes your brand name or its variant.

For example:

  • Caprese bags
  • Caprese clutch
  • Sling bags from Caprese etc.

Non- branded keywords searches:

There is also a segment of people who make searches without using any specific brand name.

For example:

  • Online bags
  • Handbags to buy etc.

Generally, a branded keyword is searched on an average 135k times per month whereas a non-branded keyword is searched on an average 301k times per month.

I guess this is quite obvious…

People love to explore to find the thing of their choice irrespective of brands’

There is no doubt that the number of non-branded searches is more compared to branded searches.

It doesn’t mean to forget the branded keywords completely.

Just the thing is more search volume means more quality traffic.

And quality traffic leads to conversions.

Using RLSA you can run a separate campaign for the previous website visitors who came to your website through non-branded searches and are more likely to convert.

Furthermore, by running this kind of campaign your Ad will target and appear in front of the non- branded keyword searches only.

In this way, you can augment the conversion rate using the Google RLSA.

5. Target audience on the basis of behavior

Right Targeting approach can take you closer to the conversion rate figures that you have envisaged.

This is done by narrowing down the visibility of your Ad group and make it visible to the specific audience.

Also, you can decide where or we can say on which content you want your Ad to appear on.

Targeting is an effective approach to make the better utilization of the Ad spend.

It helps to filter the irrelevant audience or the audience that you cannot serve.

Audiences can be targeted on the basis of their behavior as well.

The behavior of the users clearly tells how much interested they are in your website.

Visitors who are highly interested are more likely to convert.

The considerable elements to judge the behavior can be:

  1. Time spent on the website
  2. Number of pages visited
  3. Number of products viewed
  4. Sign-ups

Google RLSA helps you to set the audiences on the basis of their behavior.

Ultimately, effective targeting will help you to get more conversions from the campaigns.

6. Add the negative remarketing list to filter irrelevant traffic

Irrelevant traffic is the biggest cause that leads to wastage of Ad spend.

If the Ad is not visible to the relevant traffic it hardly brings any conversion.

Here, comes the role of the negative remarketing list.

Adding the negative remarketing list to the search campaign or Ad group will help you exclude the audience whom you do not want to show your Ads.

If you think any kind of audience is not relevant or is not valuable for the business you can add them to the negative remarketing list.

Thus, the Ad campaign will become limited to valuable users.

7. Make the use of bid settings wisely

Every bid setting carries its own importance, thus must be used cautiously considering the requirement.

While adding the marketing list in the ad group you have two bid settings to choose:

Bid only

With this setting, you can make use of your remarketing list in the existing Ad group. It is not for any new ad group.

This setting allows you to modify the bids in the existing Ad group for the members of the remarketing list.

Target and bid

With this setting, you can target and bid for the members of the remarketing list by creating a separate Ad group.

It is a good option to make specific bid adjustment and send specific messages to the remarketing list members.

8. Bidding on the basis of campaign performance

Don’t you think a campaign performing well must have the second chance to perform again?

Yes of course!

There are several campaigns that you run with different modifications.

This includes bidding, targeting, segmenting etc.

But it is not necessary that every campaign will perform well.

Filter out the best-performing Ad groups or campaigns and bid accordingly.

This is one of the best practices that can be opted to make the best use of the available budget.

9. Upselling to the previous visitors

Upselling is another practice that helps to increase sales using the RLSA feature.

Considering the remarketing list, you can easily target those customers who have already purchased something on your website.

And you can easily upsell the product on the basis of their previous purchase.

For example:

Suppose someone is dealing into the business of mobile phones.

Also, he is selling the mobile cases.

Of course, he will not run the campaigns for selling mobile cases.

But he can target the customers who have purchased the mobile phones from his website.

Such customers will be more likely to convert.

Because the new mobile phones users are more vulnerable to buy a mobile case.

Thus, using Google RLSA you can increase the sales of additional products as well.

10. Make use of Ad customizer to reinforce the Google RLSA

All audiences cannot be the same at one time.

Every individual is unique, hence the ad you are using to target them must also be unique.

As the name signifies, Ad customizer helps you to customize the Ad copy for different audiences.

Therefore, using the Ad customizer with RLSA aids you to make the Ad copy laser focused effective targeting.

Creating a new campaign and separate Ad copy is much more taxing than creating multiple Ads within one Ad group.

So, in this concern, you can make use of Ad customizer to ease your job.

The best part using the Ad customizer is its scalability.

Customizer can be responsible for the hundreds of variation of one text ad but out of hundreds, it shows the most relevant one to the potential customers.

Hopefully, now you are well-versed with the usage of the remarketing list and its importance.

Now it’s time to learn setting up RLSA in google ads.

Learn to apply remarketing lists to a:

Single Search Network campaign or ad group:

  • Select the existing Search campaign or ad group or you can create the new one.
  • On the left side, click Audiences from the menu.
  • Click the pencil icon to add an audience list.
  • Choose Campaign or Ad group, that you want to add your targeting under “Add to” section.
  • Click ‘Select a campaign’ or ‘Select an ad group’ then choose the campaign or ad group from the list that you want to target.
  • Under “How they interacted with your business” section, click the “Website visitors” drop-down menu.

Note: You’ll see the “All visitors” list and other eligible lists you’ve created for your different groups of site visitors.

  • For selecting remarketing list you want to add select the checkboxes. Your audiences will appear in the “Selected audiences” column.
  • Click Save

Multiple search campaigns/ad groups

  • In the top right corner, click the tools icon as shown
  • Click Audience manager, under “Shared library,”
  • Click Audience lists on the top most corner in left.
  • Choose the remarketing list that you want to add.
  • Select Campaigns or Ad Groups under ‘Add to’ section
  • Click on the checkboxes you want to choose for the campaigns or select the top checkbox to choose all campaigns.
  • Click Next.
  • Select a targeting setting, then click Add Audiences. The lists will now be added to the selected campaigns.
  • You can now re-adjust bid adjustment or use smart bidding.


This is an undeniable fact that targeting customers who are already familiar with your brand are more likely to convert.

Retargeting the customers back helps to increase the conversions and sales for the business.

And in this concern, nothing can be better than the Google RLSA feature.

Its multiple benefits allow users to target visitors on the basis of their behavior and interaction.

Hence, you can make your Ad visible to the specific segment of people with the specific message.

This will help to address the peoples concern.

In the end, such users are more open to getting converted.

So make the complete use of Google RLSA and never let go your targeted audience.

Author: Dinesh has been doing digital marketing since 2007. Now he manages a team of digital marketers, developers, and project managers. As the CEO of Ads Triangle, Dinesh has helped hundreds of businesses to grow their revenue through digital marketing.

