How to Write a Facebook Ad Which Converts Traffic into ROI

Dinesh Thakur
Published in
9 min readMay 24, 2019

I am constantly surfing Facebook to read the news or other pieces of information.

I logged into my Facebook account nearly every day.

But I am not alone, Data suggests, 70% of Facebook users visit their accounts on a daily basis.

Given this percentage of the population, is it even surprising that around 5 million businesses are using Facebook ads to reach their potential customers?

But here’s the brutal truth!

Despite many successful marketers claiming to make big with Facebook ads, there are still many who fail to generate positive results.

The reason for most: Failing to write a persuasive ad copy.

By just knowing how to write a Facebook ad, you can make big on this platform.

Today, in this post I will discuss: How to write Facebook ads that convert.

So let’s begin:

Narrow your Target audience and then write

When it comes to ad campaigns, it’s tempting to write as much as you want.

But to be effective, you must write custom copies to target only one set of audiences.

This set of audiences is grouped on similar likes.

They are the ones that you intend to woo.

Consider yourself an in-person, salesman and shift all your focus on this one set of audiences.

How to do this?

Narrowly target your audience and write custom copies, keeping that group in mind.

For instance: you can target women in their 20s, who resides in the US and interested in fitness and wellness program.

Then you know How to write an effective Facebook ad copy that will surely convert.

2) Authentic, transparent & have your own brand voice

All social media platforms are different and used for different purposes.

For instance, while Linkedin is designed for more professional networking and business purposes.

Facebook is used to connect with family & friends.

What does this have to do with the ad copy?

Well, it helps you in deciding the tone of your ad copy.

For a Facebook ad copy, it makes more sense if you use an informal tone.

Don’t see Facebook flash your Victorian poetic skills or using industry specific jargon to show your knowledge.

In fact on Facebook the more the ad reads like a real person the better are the number of clicks.

On Facebook people comes to interacting and check out the post of friends and family.

All these posts in their news feed are written in an informal voice.

So if you want to appeal to this set of audiences the copy shouldn’t read like an ad.

How to write using an informal voice?

Tip: Imagine you are at a party where you meet one of your old friends after a long time.

Now that person asks you what are you pursuing currently? How would you respond to your friend? Now take that answer and use that language in your Facebook ad copy

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3) We live in 140 characters’ world: Simplify your ad copy

The human’s attention span is continuously reducing.

Do you know our attention span is less than that of a goldfish?

Hell, that’s true, its 8 seconds, which is lesser than a gold fish’s attention span. What does this mean?

You can’t use one unnecessary extra word.

Your ad copy needs to be simple yet effective that makes it hard for audiences to ignore.

For instance:

Instead of writing “Do you want more clicks?”

You can write: “want more clicks?”

Both mean the same thing, but it’s the latter that packs an effective punch.

Remember your ad copy written with no unnecessary words will grab your prospect’s attention and focus on the ad benefits.

Tips to write an ad copy with no unnecessary word

  • Simple written copy doesn’t mean sacrificing specificity.
  • A simple ad copy doesn’t necessarily means a short copy
  • Pay attention to the words. Nothing turns people more than words for which they have to look for the dictionary. Use short, simple words that are understandable and easy to read
  • You can use the Hemingway app to identify any long word in your ad copy. The app also suggests easy to use alternatives for that word. The app will also score your ad copy between 1st to 5th grade. An ideal ad copy should able to achieve 5th level grade ad copy.
  • Even a long copy will work as long as it is tight, efficient and simple

4) Grab your audience’s attention by adding a question in your copy

Questions are a great way to attract your audience attention

They work really well as they compel to answer the question in their minds.

By just writing the word “Want” “Looking” finding” along with the benefits listing that the product delivers you can get your audience attention.

For instance:

“Want conversions from social media?”

The key to this technique: know what your audience is looking for and then write an attention-grabbing question. When you apply this trick in your Facebook ad is well targeted.

5) Answer the above question instantly

When you ask a question in the first line of your ad copy. The next step comes the answer part. Once the reader got curious because of your question, answer that question in the very next line.

For instance:

The first line is like: “want to get more clicks on your Facebook ads?”

The answer to this line: Download our 55 types of ad copy to get clicks

Did you notice how the second lines immediately answer the question asked in the first line?

This is a very simple yet effective technique one can follow when wondering how to write Facebook ad copies

5) Use the word “You” more often in your ad copy

Your ad copy must have the word “you” more often in your ad copy

This simple word is overlooked most of the time. So why should you use it in the ad copy? Well, the power of this word goes beyond the ad copy. The word appeals to the customers directly.

For instance:

A marketer’s perspective talks like: We deliver leads that converts in just half market’s cost.

A customer’s perspective: Imagine you getting twice as many clicks as you are getting now in the same ad budget.

Now, while both the sentence speaks of the same thing, its second that relates more with the readers.

See the examples of using the word “you” in the ad copy.

6) Long v/s short copy

Your ad copy should be short. Have you seen articles talking about this at length? They claim short copy converts well.

But that’s not true.

It’s true that your ad copy should be simple, but that doesn’t mean you have to limit on words. The length of your ad copy depends on the goal of your ads. There’s a reason why Facebook ad copies can accommodate any length of content: From single line to 2000 words content.

Here’s an example of long ad copy

So a long ad copy format is used in this ad. Why? Because they are trying to convey people a lot more than simply selling something. For instance, this ad talks about the benefits and uses of this product. As a result, they need more than two lines to convey the user.

Now, see the other example of a short Facebook ad copy:

They don’t require the ad copy to be too long. So the ad copy needs to be super short with words that are easily understood. Also, they have avoided extra phrases and made sure not a single unnecessary word is wasted.

7) Call-to-click-action

The call to action button is very important when it comes to Facebook ads.

The platform gives you the option to test varied call-to-action (CTA) buttons. Facebook has the option to test different call to action buttons. So remember your choice of the button can impact the performance of your ad.

Here are some of the examples available of the CTA choices:

  • Download now
  • Apply now
  • See menu
  • Sign Now
  • Contact us
  • Download
  • Send message
  • Learn Now
  • Donate Now

The choice of the CTA buttons depends entirely on the offer. So there is no one type of button that guarantees good performance. It depends on the messaging of your ad copy.

For instance: If you are running an eCommerce site marketing a festive sale. Then “hurry up” or “offer limited” “shop now” are some of the good CTA’s examples.

But if you are promoting Facebook messenger ad, then “send message” makes more sense.

Once you have created an efficient Facebook ad copy, then comes the next step: How to run facebook ads.

When running Facebook ads that are a lot of options that needs to be checked.

For instance: Is your ad copy targeting the right kind of people?

Is the image dimension correct?

Are you creating and running the right kind of ads?

With 2.3 million billion active users surfing the platform, Facebook offers a unique opportunity to engage better.

Facebook ad guidelines

Facebook ads can be the best way to generate traffic and leads for your online business.

Given the fact, you know the targeted audience, how to boost your revenue & then promote something people want to buy.

But do you know you can still lose your audience?

Yes, you can if you aren’t aware of Facebook guidelines.

For instance: you can lose hundreds of leads if the images are blurred, the copy is not engaging enough or the video you embed is not of high quality.

So what should be the Facebook ad guidelines that you need to have in mind while creating a good ad in any format?

Here are Facebook ad guidelines to write and design your ad perfectly.

Image guidelines

The single image ad is the most versatile ad formats that help businesses connect with users in more ways. This format has been around for a long time and it is still effective. This image ad format looks the same as a regular feed post. Thus, they help to connect with businesses’ better.

Facebook ad Copy guidelines

The reason Facebook generates lots of leads and clicks is due to specific targeting features. There are so many people on Facebook. But you need to craft specific ads to target better. Use custom audiences, location, Interest and gender filters to specifically target your potential audiences.


Creating Facebook ads that converts are difficult.

With so many varied variables, a lot of time and money needs to be wasted to bring conversions with the ad copy.

But this guide covers everything you need to know about how to write a good Facebook ad that converts.

These tested ways can give a massive success to your Facebook ad copies.

So if you are looking for dramatic improvements in your Facebook ad copy, make necessary modifications.

Don’t implement all the strategies at once.

Test, refine and re-test to see what changes working with your Facebook ads. The more you test, the better Facebook ads you will create.

