A Definitive Quick Guide On Types of Linkedin Ads

Dinesh Thakur
Published in
11 min readFeb 20, 2019

There is hardly a person who is not interested in interacting with people.

Yes, this is another thing some wants to connect personally while some want professionally.

If we talk about the professional platform there is one name that strikes within seconds in our mind-Linkedin

No, doubt Linkedin is the most popular and useful platform for the professional.

People can easily interact and explore suitable job opportunities there.

Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin etc. can be addressed as the most active platforms that involve huge engagement of people.

So, if you are in the race of accumulating good traffic on your website, target the platform that ends up with huge involvement of people.

And this is why people opt for various types of Facebook Ads, Linkedin Ads, and Insta Ads too.

You might be thinking why people opt for Linkedin Ads?

The segment of people who are active on Linkedin is a little different.

Not necessary, users who are active on Linkedin are also using some other platform.

Adding to the knowledge, Linkedin is a vast platform with around 500 million professionals

So, like any other platform, why not to target the crowd of Linkedin also.

Linkedin is proving to be the most fruitful platform for B2B as well.

In fact, when it comes to social platform around 80% of the B2B leads are generated through Linkedin.

Therefore, we can say even Linkedin is the perfect platform for advertising that cannot be underestimated.

Linkedin advertising cost:

When it comes to Linkedin Ads, people have a very common concern that is Linkedin advertising costs.

Like any other advertising platform, they Linkedin advertising cost is also not fixed.

But Yes, there is one thing that must be kept in mind the CPC of Linkedin Ads is higher in comparison to any other platform.

Consequently, the conversion rate is also higher in comparison to others.

Apart from this, costing also depends on the competition in the market and your targeting criteria.

If the competition is high, then the CPC also may go high.

Types of Linkedin Ads

For the hassle free success journey, everything has to be done in the right way.

There are various types of goals to achieve through the Linkedin Ads.

And to make the best use of Linkedin Ad formats, you have to be clear what goal you wanna achieve.

For effective targeting, there are different types of Linkedin ads.

Hence, there is no short of options when it comes to Linkedin Ads.

Every Ad format has something to deliver.

And as per the goal, opt the best-suited Ad format to achieve it in no time.

Sponsored content

Explore everything about the Sponsored content if you wanna use it to the fullest.

Sponsored content is unlike the other Ad formats which appear on the sidebar and on the top.

This appears right in front of the eyes of the users in the news feed.

Sponsored content can be described as the company’s update page to increase brand awareness and engage more people.

Or it can be addressed as a means for the content promotion that is already lying on your company’s website.

You can present upcoming promotions, Youtube videos, articles etc. through the sponsored content.

This kind of Ad format is an appropriate choice for the purpose of promotion.

Good for-

As it appears directly in front of the eyes, it catches immediate attention and helps to increase engagement and brand awareness.

Apart from this, it’s a good option, to augment the number of followers for the company page.

Sponsored content can also solve the purpose of quality lead generation for your company.

Tips related to sponsored content:

  • Ad copy should be limited to 150 characters
  • Enrich your Ads by adding visuals like videos
  • Keep the Ad copy short and serve users with valuable content

Linkedin Text Ads:

Image Source: Linkedin

As the name signifies, they are the Ads with text and somewhere like Google and Bing text Ads.

These Ads are just similar to the PPC in Adwords.

With each click on the Ad, the amount is charged from the advertiser.

In a good option if you have a low Ad spend budget as this Ad format involves lower CPC in comparison to other Ad formats.

The important point that must be known to everyone about such Ads is, it runs on desktop only.

Text Ads appears on the right rail of the news feed.

For the success of the text Ads, you can create various Ad variations and check which one is working well.

Start with some ad variables, the one performing well, tweak other Ads accordingly.

Furthermore, this will help to bring out the best version of the text ads that can aid in making more money out of text Ads on Linkedin.

You can add images as well to make it more appealing.

It has been observed that Ads with images get 20% more clicks in comparison to Ads without images.

No matter how busy a person is on the Linkedin platform, text ads do succeed to attract the attention of the people.

Only if the text ads are created using the best practices in the right manner.

Good for:

Due to its ability to catch immediate attention, it’s good for making people aware of your brand.

It gives quick and easy setup along with easy management.

A good advertising option to start with, if having a small budget.

Most importantly, you can track conversions for such kind of Ads.

Tips related to text ads

  • Do not forget to add strong call-to-action
  • Add attractive images to grab the attention
  • Use catchy headlines
  • Target the pain points of the audience in your Ads

Sponsored In-mail

Why satiate yourself with being limited if your Ads have the potential to reach the customers personally.

Yes, you read it right…

Using sponsored Inmail, you can directly make the messages land to their Linkedin Inboxes.

This means you can target the audience by delivering a personalized message.

Consequently, you can drive quality leads using the Sponsored Inmail.

Engaging with your audience personally somewhere proves to be a plus point to establish a connection with your audience.

How well you are serving your customers really makes a great difference in the success of the Ad campaigns.

Customization is the biggest advantage that you can avail with Sponsored Inmail message.

You can target the users with customized CTA, greetings, and text.

Additionally, you can add links as well in the message.

Sponsored Inmail lands in the Linkedin inbox like any other regular mail.

So, it’s obvious to grab the attention of the users.

If we talk about the costing involved in sponsored Inmail, then messages are purchased “cost per send basis”.

Which means the price will be charged for each message delivered in the users’ inbox.

Good for:

Generation of B2B leads and engaging the audience directly through the Inmail messages.

Nothing can be better than this if you are looking to send personalized invites to the people.

Helps to have healthy interaction or we can say a good approach to make better conversation.

And of course,

How can we forget to mention- the targeted promotions.

Tips related to Sponsored In-mail

  • Use a subject line that seems remedy for the audience issues
  • Keep it short and limited to 1000 characters
  • Add influencing CTA

Video Ads:

How can we forget to add video ads in the list of various types of Linkedin ads?

No doubt, videos are one of the most appropriate options to make the advertisements visually appealing.

Even Linkedin understands this and provides the option of video Ads by your side.

Now, even though the Linkedin ads, you can impart the useful information in an interesting way.

Attract the eyeballs with a pleasing combination of sound, motion, and graphics.

Entice the audience through the art of storytelling using video ads.

A well-designed and enticing video Ad hardly fails to catch the users’ attention, so always try to create effective video ads.

The worth and how well video ads can perform to attract the crowd is simply unquestionable, only if designed amazingly.

The audience does not need to put too much brain to understand such ads.

As video ads are easily understandable, relatable and if created in a creative manner they are influential too.

Good for:

Attracting a wide range of audience.

Good option to drive users towards lead generation form.

Targeting a specific segment of people is more easy with Linkedin Ads.

For example- Job seekers, company, specific skills etc.

Tips related to Video Ads

  • Add interesting visual storytelling to please the audience
  • Try to generate interest of the users in the initial 10 seconds of the video ad.
  • Consider the video length as per the objective

Linkedin Display Ads

If opting for Display Ads then its high time to present the most powerful and influential ad.

Not every display is a great success to catch attention.

But if there is really something unusual in the Ads, then your ad is perfect to do its job.

Ads are always designed keeping in view it’s sole purpose is to pull the crowd attention.

And if the ads are unable to do so then all the efforts will be futile along with the wastage of time and money.

Display ads allow you to provide the information in the best manner using all kind of appeals.

Mesmerize the users with the perfect use of text, audios, videos, and images.

It is really hard to restrain from having an insight of perfectly built display ads.

As they directly strike the minds of the users and strong enough to leave an influential impact to take positive action on the website.

And most importantly, it’s a perfect choice when it comes to targeting the audience.

Good for:

Attractive visuals always play a major role in attracting the crowd.

Display ads are ideal for strengthening the brand and increase people’s engagement.

As they catch instant attention, hence suitable for interacting with people and expanding their reach.

Linkedin Dynamic Ads

Understanding the behavior of the audience is of great significance.

Eventually, you can run dynamic Linkedin ads and target the audience on the basis of their behavior.

If you really know the correct usage of Linkedin dynamic ads, then it is really easy to get effective results.

It’s an effective approach to show the personalized Ads tailored according to their needs.

If you are aware of what users want, you can simply present the solution through the dynamic Ads.

This can be termed as conversion-oriented targeting as users are more likely to convert.

Conversions are derived only when the right message is delivered at the right time.

For example:

Someone is looking for a job in a specific industry.

In this case, the dynamic Ad can be shown delivering appropriate message related to jobs in that industry.

Or show the Ads related to any course or programme popular in the relevant industry.

Good for:

Taking the relevant audience to the desired landing page.

Engaging more people with a personalized message

Increase conversions

Reach expansion as people who were not familiar earlier got to know your business.

A tip related to dynamic ads

  • Always include one clear message and CTA in the Ad

Follow Ads:

As the name signifies, these are the Ads run to increase the followers of the company.

Suppose you have started a new company, so the foremost demand of the situation is to increase the company’s reach.

And to make people aware of your company as many as possible.

To solve the purpose you can run Ads on Linkedin to make people follow your company page.

Once the number of followers reaches a decent level, it helps to build the people’s trust and credibility in your business.

Good for:

Increasing the number of followers.

After being familiar with the various types of Linkedin Ads, one can make a perfect choice while opting the Linkedin ads.

This will really help you to use the right format LinkedIn Ad to accomplish your predetermined goal.

Now, here comes another important aspect that you must be familiar with i.e. Ad placement.

Types of Ad placement:

Check out the formats in which you can place the Ads so that you can choose perfect Ad considering types of Ads and placements.

Basically, there are four types of Ad placement:

Medium Rectangle (300*250 pixels)

This is display Ad which appears in the right sidebar.

These ads appear on the home page, company, profile page etc.

Wide Skyscraper (160*600 pixels)

These ads are the long form ad which appears on the users’ inbox and message page.


In this format, images cannot be added.

Its just one line text that appears on the home, profile, company etc. page.

Leaderboard (728*90 pixels)

This format appears at the bottom of the certain feeds.

We can say, sometimes this is the last thing seen by the users when they leave the website.


Ads success depends on how well you can utilize them.

There are thousands of people who run Ads on Linkedin, but only who picks the right format to achieve the goal makes the best out of Ads.

Hence, before opting the Linkedin platform for advertising it’s really essential to be familiar with various types of Linkedin Ads.

Understand every type of Ad format and placement options.

This will help you to choose the most appropriate Ad type to achieve your goal.

Explore the above-mentioned Linkedin Ad types deeply and rule Linkedin through your advertisements.

Work on every ad and present the most creative and explanatory ads that can’t be resisted by the audience.

Thorough understanding of the Linkedin Ads will help you to use the right format at the right place.

Hopefully, this post will help you to make the best use of Linkedin Ads and make unprecedented profits.

Author: Dinesh has been doing digital marketing since 2007. Now he manages a team of digital marketers, developers, and project managers. As the CEO of Ads Triangle, Dinesh has helped hundreds of businesses to grow their revenue through digital marketing.

