Marketing to Generation Alpha: The Digital Natives Redefining Advertising

To capture Gen Alpha’s attention, marketers should embrace technology, prioritize mobile content, foster creativity and uniqueness, and promote inclusivity and diversity.

Josh Weaver
Published in
7 min readJun 3, 2023


Meet Generation Alpha, the children born between 2010 and 2025, who are following in the footsteps of their tech-savvy predecessors, Generation Z. As digital natives, Generation Alpha has never experienced a world without smartphones, social media, and advanced technology, making them a unique demographic to engage with. To effectively and safely market to this new generation, it’s essential to understand their (and their parents’) preferences, habits, and characteristics. So, let’s explore strategies to help brands and marketers connect with Generation Alpha meaningfully and safely.

Embrace Technology: The New Frontier of Marketing

Generation Alpha is growing up surrounded by technology, making it a natural part of their daily lives. Marketers should incorporate cutting-edge technologies such as augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and voice assistants into their campaigns to reach them. For example, Lego’s AR experiences have allowed kids to interact with physical toys in a digital environment, seamlessly merging the real and virtual worlds. By adopting advanced technology, brands can create immersive experiences that resonate with this tech-savvy generation.

Prioritize Mobile and Video Content: Capturing the Attention of Gen Alpha

This generation strongly prefers consuming content on mobile devices, with video being the most popular format. According to a Common Sense Media report, young children spend over five hours of daily screen time. Creating short, engaging, and shareable video content tailored for mobile consumption will be crucial for capturing their attention. Platforms like TikTok and YouTube offer opportunities for brands to create dynamic, visually appealing content that resonates with Generation Alpha.

Love to Learn | Instagram: @timmossholder
Photo by Tim Mossholder / Unsplash

Focus on Edutainment: Learning Through Fun

Generation Alpha values learning and personal development. Combining education and entertainment in marketing campaigns can be an effective way to engage this audience. Interactive content, games, and quizzes can provide entertainment and educational value. For instance, National Geographic’s Kids website offers a perfect blend of educational content and interactive games that engage and inform young minds. By incorporating edutainment elements, brands can build lasting connections with Generation Alpha while promoting a positive message.

Leverage Influencers and User-Generated Content: Building Trust and Authenticity

Like Generation Z, Generation Alpha is heavily influenced by social media personalities and user-generated content. Collaborating with influencers and encouraging user-generated content can help brands establish trust and authenticity with this audience. Take Ryan’s World, a popular YouTube channel featuring a young influencer who reviews toys and participates in family-friendly activities. This type of content resonates with Generation Alpha and authentically connects the brand and its target audience. Encouraging user-generated content, like sharing photos or videos featuring a brand’s products, can also create a sense of community and trust.

Offer Personalized Experiences: Catering to Individual Interests

Gen Alpha is used to personalized experiences, thanks to the constant exposure to customized digital content. Marketers should focus on safely delivering tailored content and offers based on individual interests, behavior, and preferences to engage with this audience. Netflix Kids’ profiles are a perfect example of personalized content that caters to young viewers’ interests, providing them with relevant suggestions and recommendations. By offering personalized experiences, brands can build a lasting relationship with Generation Alpha consumers.

Photo by Ameen Fahmy / Unsplash

Empower Creativity and Self-Expression: Encouraging Unique Voices

Generation Alpha is growing up in a world where self-expression and creativity are highly valued. Brands encouraging and empowering this generation to express themselves creatively will form deeper connections with their audience. Platforms like Toca Boca, which creates digital toys and games that inspire open-ended play and creativity, allow kids to explore and express their unique voices.

Foster Parent-Child Interactions: Bridging the Generational Gap

Generation Alpha is heavily influenced by their parents, particularly Millennials, who often emphasize quality time and shared experiences. Brands developing marketing campaigns encouraging parent-child interactions can effectively engage both demographics. For example, KiwiCo offers monthly subscription boxes with hands-on learning projects that foster parent-child collaboration, promoting bonding while teaching new skills.

Everyday tool composition
Photo by Dan Nelson / Unsplash

Emphasize Digital Safety and Privacy: Building Trust Through Responsibility

As young digital natives, Generation Alpha is more vulnerable to online risks than previous generations. Brands that emphasize digital safety and privacy will earn kids’ and parents’ trust. For instance, the messaging app Messenger Kids by Facebook provides a safe environment for children to chat with friends and family while giving parents control over their child’s contact list, ensuring a secure and protected online experience.

Adapt to Evolving Media Consumption Habits: Staying Ahead of the Curve

Generation Alpha’s media consumption habits constantly evolve thanks to rapid technological advancements and new platforms. Brands that stay informed about emerging trends and adapt their marketing strategies accordingly will be more successful in reaching this audience. Examples include exploring opportunities on new social media platforms, leveraging the power of short-form video content, and experimenting with interactive storytelling formats like Google Spotlight Stories to engage and captivate the attention of Generation Alpha.

Photo by Kin Li / Unsplash

Encourage Emotional Connections: Building Meaningful Relationships

Generation Alpha is highly receptive to brands that evoke emotions and create meaningful connections. Storytelling that triggers emotions, such as joy, inspiration, and enthusiasm, can help brands forge stronger bonds with this youth audience. The Disney brand consistently focuses on creating magical, emotional experiences for children and their families through stories, characters, and theme parks.

Utilize Gamification: Engaging Through Play

Gamification, or using game design elements in non-gaming contexts, is an effective strategy to engage and motivate Generation Alpha. By incorporating reward systems, challenges, and competition into marketing campaigns, brands can capture the attention and loyalty of this audience. Examples include brands using Pokemon Go to drive foot traffic to their stores or creating branded mobile games that encourage repeat engagement.

Photo by Tron Le / Unsplash

Understand the Role of Voice-Activated Technology: Connecting Through Conversations

As Generation Alpha grows up with voice-activated technologies like Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, and Siri, they become more comfortable interacting with brands through voice commands. Developing branded voice applications like LEGO’s Duplo Stories on Amazon Alexa can provide unique, interactive experiences that appeal to this generation.

Promote Diversity and Inclusivity: Respecting and Celebrating Differences

Generation Alpha is growing up in a diverse and interconnected world, valuing inclusivity and representation. Brands that celebrate diversity and promote inclusive messaging will resonate with this audience. For instance, Mattel’s Barbie Fashionistas line offers dolls with various body types, skin tones, hair textures, and abilities, reflecting the diverse world that Generation Alpha inhabits.

Leverage Peer-to-Peer Marketing: Harnessing the Power of Word-of-Mouth

Generation Alpha trusts the opinions of their friends and peers more than traditional advertisements. By leveraging peer-to-peer marketing strategies, such as referral programs or influencer collaborations, brands can create a more organic and authentic connection with their audience.

Successfully marketing to Generation Alpha requires brands to stay agile and innovative, adapting their strategies to cater to this unique youth demographic’s characteristics, values, and preferences. Brands that embrace advanced technology, prioritize mobile and video content, focus on edutainment, and champion sustainability and social responsibility will be at the forefront of this new marketing era. Furthermore, brands can forge more profound and meaningful relationships with Generation Alpha by empowering creativity, fostering parent-child interactions, emphasizing digital safety, and encouraging emotional connections.

Playing in mud and streams is the best thing. This is three of my nephews / nieces and one of my kids after some muddy fun at Mottisfont house in Hampshire. Mottisfont is well worth a visit, a fantastic old house set in beautiful gardens along the river Test.
Photo by Ben Wicks / Unsplash

As the first generation born entirely in the 21st century, Generation Alpha will set the pace for the future of marketing and consumer trends. Therefore, brands and marketers must stay informed about this generation’s evolving needs and desires, proactively adapting their campaigns and messaging to remain relevant and engaging. By doing so, they will capture the hearts and minds of Generation Alpha and secure a place in the rapidly transforming landscape of advertising and marketing.

As we continue to explore and understand Generation Alpha’s unique attributes, it becomes increasingly evident that this generation holds immense potential to reshape the advertising and marketing world. Brands that recognize and embrace this potential by crafting strategies tailored to Generation Alpha’s needs and preferences will be better positioned to navigate the challenges and opportunities this new generation of consumers presents.



Josh Weaver

Marketing and media leader with over 10 years of experience managing omnichannel advertising and integrated marketing strategies and campaigns for major brands.