One-year Panoramic Anniversary, What Now?

Faith Edem
Published in
2 min readFeb 27, 2021

Today’s story is a little different form the rest, as I hope this brief entry provides a moment of pause, and acknowledgement.

As the title notes, this pandemic has been a whirlwind with unique, catchy and depressing names to alleviate us all, even for a brief moment, from our quiet respites in our pandemic dwellings.

This post is not to inspire, or to provide support but just a moments reminder of the time we are in. We are leading up to our one year anniversary since the COVID-19 pandemic hit the west. It is important to recognize that I am writing from a Western perspective, as I reside in the West, but the pandemic was already ravishing through parts of East Asia well before it attached to the anti-bodies in the West. I was familiar with the disease in around New Years, as my partners family in Hong Kong were already taking local-mandated quarantine measures. At first, it only felt like a disease from afar.

For me, the pandemic started March 13th. We all distinctly remember that day as the early beginnings of workplace protocols being issued across sectors. We all didn’t have a clue when we would return back to our schools, our offices, our teams and our various places of work. I distinctly remember my co-worker posing the now timely question “How long will we be home for? I can’t imagine us returning in a week or two”.

Now looking back, a year full of memories and visceral emotions that demand of a stage. We all reeling through this all, and I hope we give each other grace. As for me, I will continue meditating, praying and seeking joy when I can. To all of those we’ve lost this year and to this pandemic, my beautiful Aunt Esther and Uncle Sam, rest in peace. To a second year of covid, may we all survive and find solace. Sending love and guidance to all.

