Post-Pandemic Adullthing

Faith Edem
Published in
2 min readJul 4, 2020

I’ll keep this post short. Pandemic, Growth and BLM.

This post is a commitment to my dream. A commitment to myself, that I won’t give up on Adullthing. I quite frankly don’t want to. It’s an extension of my goals and aspirations. I need to know I can commit to something outside of academia, volunteering and my job and successfully get the job done.

I have not posted for all of 2020 since February because, it just didn’t feel right. I was swamped with work opportunities Jan-Feb. Then in March the quarantine began. We all went through waves of emotions trying to understand how this will affect each other, what would our collective future look like? I think the time between March-May was a hard time for everyone. It was a constant wave of emotions, one week you’re isolating pretty well the next you’ve gone on three walks so you can remember what being outside feels like. It was a difficult time for everyone, and I want everyone to know that taking that time to focus on what you can control was perfectly fine.

I live in Canada, and for the most part my province is entering Phase 2 of our “post-pandemic” public health directives. Things are abit more relaxed now and we are able to go to patios, go to the mall, heck even travel between certain provinces. Now I think is the perfect time to renew my desire to reconnect to Adullthing. Growth to me is a continuous process of choosing more for yourself, and I am doing that now. I am choosing to grow Adullthing into more and I hope to follow through on that promise. For now, BLM, support victims of violence and lead with a peaceful soul.



