Spring Cleaning on your 2019 Goals!

Faith Edem
Published in
3 min readApr 2, 2019

Spring has sprung and my allergies are on high alert. How goal oriented have you been this year?

Reassessing Your Goals

I barely remember January, honestly it feels like a drowsy dream. It is time to really look at our Jan-Mar report card and truly ask ourselves, how are we doing? For me my top three goals was to get a full time job in my passion, become an excel pro, and travel more.

DRUM ROOOOOLLLL….I have gotten a job, that I was able to push my start date til June! Yay! I am excited about this new change in my life because I will be living on my own and living in a new city! I’m actually Adulting in real time, its kind of scary. I have been able to plan a trip for Belize in May, and planning more trips for the rest of the year. It’s great to plan but I have to make sure I follow through on these plans if I want to be successful. The key goal I have not been able to accomplish is to become an excel pro. I am hoping that in April I will be able to get down, so I’m reassessing that goal.


It is important to stay flexible when you’re going through your spring cleaning and assessing your 2019 goals. In my update I mentioned remaining accountable to myself. Lets use my example of travelling, I know where I want to go and excited to plan for it but, I now have a full-time job to think about. I now have to plan my trips around a work schedule, working from home, sick days and vacation days. I think one of the biggest lessons in life is to remain flexible. Think about your goals, and figure out how can you become more flexible?

Self Growth

It’s been three months Jan-Mar, what were the self growth goals you had? Did you successfully in those goals? I’m all about self growth. One of mine is to make working out part of my lifestyle. I use to be an athlete and competitive dancer, but when I started working I honestly couldn’t find the energy to bother. I have been successful in this goal because I’ve been staying with my partner for a month and a half, & he is a fitness fiend. I do have concerns when I head back to my place and move into my new city, can I up keep this self growth goal? I have to remain accountable to myself, and my goals. I really want to look great for our Belize trip, graduation and the start of my new job.

You’re ¼ into the year, have you stuck onto any new habits? Have you noticed a change somewhere in your life?

Lets remember, I don’t want to hit a hammer over your head, it’s just important if we want to keep to new habits, we have to remain accountable, be as flexible and forgiving as you can, and maintain a positive outlook on our goals. We are all able to attain new goals, its half the effort/access/opportunity and the other half is our mental will and positivity. I believe in you all, and I know we can all achieve our goals. Stay

