Faith Edem
Published in
4 min readJan 30, 2019

By: Faith Edem

A life worth living is a life lived, or so they tell me. Really, I think it’s about time we start living our lives the way we want to live them. Yeah, I’m talking to you millennials. All of this information, connections, and innovation at our fingertips and we still haven’t figured out this whole adulting thing.

Image result for life worth living

We are all asking each other the same question, what do I do now? For some of us who have been privileged to get a degree — yes it’s a privilege to have a degree. Yes, no matter how normalized its seems, and how much student loans we still have to pay back, it really is a privilege. What do I do with this degree? I think our generation has a running joke, we see entry level jobs asking for 3–5 years of experience, a billion technical skills and motivation to change the world and we’re left looking at each other confused on how this can be an entry level position!?

Even, when the world has such high expectations of us, because we are simply millennials, I think it’s something quite revolutionary when we hit them with the — thank u, next. I mean think about it, I’ve noticed and older generations have noticed, we are searching for more out of life than they ever bothered to look for. We are on a mild hedonic treadmill (chasing highs), but is what’s so bad in that? I mean, yes a stable work/life is great, the bills get paid and you have the 2 and a half kids with the picket fence in ten years looking forward to a middle class retirement. We’ve gained a new perspective on life.

That sounded great for our parents generation, heck that doesn’t sound too bad now the way job opportunities are going, and there is nothing wrong with wanting that. However, I’ll go out on a limb and guess, they are millions of millennial that do no feel that way at all. We have to own our unique experience as millennia’s. In the numerous networking events I’ve been to its obvious past generations are noticing how unique our experience will unfold into.

We have the world at our fingertips, thanks to technological innovation, then why don’t we use it? We can become informed on just about everything, then why don’t u travel to the other side of the world and learn more? We are connected more than ever, then why don’t we use those connections to start a business? We’re innovative as ever, than why don’t we contribute to solving social issues in our unique creative way? We need to stop the imposter syndrome and get on with our lives in the best way the world has ever seen.

What I’m trying to say at the end of the day is millennials and some Gen X & Y er’s we need to start saying more YES to our life — but more importantly our experiences. We are a unique demographic in history! We need not fear but take these opportunities and use them to not only develop as individuals, but contribute to our wellbeing as a global society. This blog is about US, collectively, as we go on this journey of adulating. I Faith Edem, I am choosing to go on this journey with you, UPS, DOWNS, introspections, and laughs around. JOIN ME.

In this blog I will be focusing on my experience as I am adulting, and try my best to make this experience for us not A DULL THING. In this experience I will share ideas on travel, smart saving/investing, wellbeing, professional development and contributing to the social good. I cannot wait to start this journey with you all. WELCOME TO A DULL THING.

