Wildflowers by Alex Wolstencroft

Alex Wolstencroft
Adult ADHD
Published in
2 min readApr 8, 2019

I wrote this poem about people with ADHD. We are the most wonderful of creatures and because of stigma and misunderstanding we don’t often get the chance to showcase this, so this is for all of you that i’m proud to call my tribe.

We are the wildflowers of the world.

We grow freely even in the hardiest of terrains.

We grow despite the worlds belief that we won’t.

We are bright, and we are bewitching.

We come into flower even when we are trampled on.

We are the wildflowers.

We can weather storms like no other,

Never dulling our colour,

Only enhancing it.

We shine under the light of the midday sun,

And unbound by the rules of the earth, we play by our own,

Sometimes we blossom, and sometimes we wilt, but we take that chance anyway.

Because we are the wildflowers.

We are not errors of the landscape,

But a gift from the ground,

With an inborn ability to bring a smile to even the hardest of hearts.

Despite the tumult of the earth, we still bloom, big and beautiful.

Because we are the wildflowers

There is something so beguiling about wildflowers, dont you think?

So spontaneous,

So unpredictable,

So unstructured,

So very free.

We are the wildflowers.

So don’t pick us,

And don’t mow over us,

Come sit amongst the wildflowers, drink in our delight,

And be on hand to stop the weeds that try and engulf us.

We are the wildflowers.

©Alex Wolstencroft

