Making money on your porn video

5 modern ways of monetization

7 min readDec 19, 2017


Even today in the time of free tubes people ready to pay for content that really interests them.

Users are more likely to give money for the content to individual studios and producers

Youtube opened a new era of video distribution — the era of direct contact between the producer and his audience. Now, for such a contact, intermediaries in the form of studios, etc., are no longer needed.
The same we can see now with the producers of XXX-video and their audience.
Moreover, sex is an intimate and sensual affair. Therefore, individual producers are often better able to convey a sense of pleasure and exchange of sexual energy than professional studios, where the focus is more on the beauty of the picture — interiors, makeup, etc., and sex often turns into a set of dynamic sports exercises.
Viewers like to see real emotions and therefore they more often vote for the video of individual producers and ready to spend money on it

Here are some of the most common methods of porn monetization:

1) Paywall
2) Subscription
3) Donation
4) Video Download
5) Paysite

And happy monetization!

1) Paywall

Paywall is a restriction of free access to the full version of a particular site material.
You could see this method of monetization on the websites of newspapers.
For the XXX-video, the method is also applicable.
And for individual producers and studios paywall is essentially the basic method of monetization, so we will dwell on it in more detail.
On the Internet, there are a number of services that provide producers with such opportunity.

Paywall directly integrated in the player on the site, using per second billing

Paywall consists of 2 parts:

  • Promo (free short video version, teasing trailer)
  • full video (for pay)

Main aspects of modern monetization:

The goal is to build this paywall in such a way that an emotional “take-off” from viewing of the free part would allow the user to easily jump this wall, not paying attention to a waste of a few despicable dollars in exchange for satisfaction from viewing the next part of the video that captured him.

The video should not be long or short. There are no specific rules about what to show in it.
The main rule — only those frames are needed to be shown that will attract the maximum user interest.
But not so much that his interest has already begun to fade.
Fish is needed to be hooked on the maximum peak.

After the user has looked through the free preview of the video, he is invited to register an account with paid access.

Activation of premium account on site with simultaneous purchase of internal currency

The approach to payment depends on the system that provides paywall services. In some there is a payment of the price of the video directly, in some you first buy an internal currency which can be spent for purchase

Purchase of an internal currency in one click, without re-entering of the bank card data on

Similarly, there are differences in tariffs: in some access to the video is bought in its entirety, some use per second charging.

What is a best kind of tariffing?

Each of the approaches has its advantages and disadvantages.

Payment for the whole video

Payment for the entire video before viewing


  • the producer immediately receives his guaranteed interest


  • The producer sells fewer videos on average
    (this is due to the high “entry price” for the user — the videos often cost $10–15 and the user needs to “make a decision” for each purchase)
  • The producer can easily lose confidence
    (if user likes the preview of at least one movie but not the paid one)

Per-second tariffing

Payment for the full version of the video with per second charging. The basic price is $1 = 1 minute.


  • producer sells more videos on average
    (the user does not need to “decide” to buy a pig in a poke, he starts watching every clip that interests him and as he pays only for viewing time, the “decision” happens automatically — he likes the video, continues watching, bringing more money to the producer;
    If he does not like then he stops watching and pays less)
  • producer gets extra loyalty
    (even if someone did not like the video, since he had to pay only for those first seconds, he will easily look at the other videos of the producer, and will buy those which will suit his taste entirely — victory in the long run)


  • the producer doesn’t immediately receives its guaranteed interest
    (however, this disadvantage is overlaps with advantages — a great loyalty to the producer and the fact that the majority of his videos look are looked through. It helps producer to earn more.
    An exception may be the case where the producer has bad content, knows about it and hopes for random sales using deceptive previews)

2) Subscription

Subscription — an opportunity for your grateful viewers to seriously support you financially than watching several videos with paywall. In fact, this method of monetization is a paid subscription to your channel, as a paid site, only within the large social network that can give additional viewers. — by becoming a sponsor of the channel, the user receives a Subscription with automatic renewal

Each producer has grateful viewers who would like to support him financially filltime. This way they can give you the opportunity to continue filming of more and better content that they really like, and not drown in the mainstream imposed by corporations.

Subscribing to the producer’s channel at

In gratitude for its sponsorship the user usually gets an opportunity to watch all releases of the channel during the time of his subscription without any restrictions and without additional charging (without paying for the whole video or time-based charging, respectively).

3) Donation

Donate of a grateful user at If the producer has well formulated the purpose of raising funds — this is an additional advantage.

Donation is an old but not losing popularity way of supporting the producer with grateful users.
This is the possibility of one-time random donations in your favor, telling you that what you do is in demand, just keep making good content!
It’s like a generous tip — I like what you do and I want to make you feel good Here are some money from the heart! And it can’t upset anyone, money are useful for all.

4) Video Download

Download video for extra pay at

Sometimes users have a desire to download your video to a disk.
Yes, it is several times more expensive, but it gives an opportunity to watch a favorite video without additional payment as many times as you want in any place
Even, frankly, where there is no Internet.

This additional user’s convenience comes to your extra income as a producer.

5) Paysite

The phenomenon as old as the Internet itself, which attracts primarily by the fact that it allows you to create your own brand on the Internet with your domain.

Brazzers paysite

But a number of problems lie on the shoulders of its owner:

  • creation of the program part of the site
  • site design
  • support of adaptability of design for all devices (computers, tablets, smartphones)
  • hosting
  • support of the site
  • cooperation with unscrupulous buyers
  • organization of payments from users ( it is necessary to open a legal entity and that now is the most difficult thing — opening of a bank account in adult friendly bank)

And if there is a desire to organize an affiliate program:
(not only allows you to independently sell users access to your site, but also to give this opportunity for reward to other webmasters)

  • organization of work of the partner program
  • cooperation with dishonest partners
  • payments to webmasters

But even if you are not going to make your pay site, you still have to create your own brand with your domain! This will be your promo hub.

The next step which must be done, so that the previous one was not in vain — to start putting watermarks on your content.

Watermark on content

The necessity is explained by the fact that in this case the promo content
being stolen and being taken to various corners of the network starts to work for you in full force!

It is in your interests to have it on as many sites as possible — both users and search engines who also know how to recognize watermarks on pictures and videos, will see where this content originated and this will greatly help in promoting your brand.

In the simplest version you can post a blog on this domain, the promo-hub, where streams of people interested in you as a brand will flock. And from it you will give links to your channels which will be monetized as been discussed above.

Promo hub Nicole Heat on own domain in monetization system (you even don’t need a hosting). Also the system automatically puts a watermark with the domain of the promo-hub for all promo-content

However, some systems offer co-branding.
In this case, you have your own domain, which is essentially a copy of your channel of the traffic monetization system. You do not even need to pay for hosting.

Nicole Heat channel in monetization system. The system helps producers to increase profits by allowing other webmasters to advertise their content for a fee

The choice is yours, but in any case do not neglect to collect visitors to your brand — be sure to make a website with your domain and put watermarks to all of your content!

