Submit pieces to Advance Yourself

Here are our submission guidelines

Justin Jones Li
Advance Yourself


A keen writer is working on a draft for Advance Yourself
Photo by Green Chameleon on Unsplash

Advance Yourself is always looking for fresh, insightful, and articulate submissions. If you have a suitable piece, we want to see it. We’re a small publication, and our value to you is the time and attention that every submission receives.


You can write on any topic at all, as long as it has something to do with setting or achieving life goals, whether they’re big or small. As a guide, our readers are interested in pieces about love, career, fitness, mental health, entrepreneurship, productivity, identity, and spirituality.

Submission requirements

All submissions require a picture, and you must cite a source for all pictures even if it’s you.

If you’re writing beyond your experience or giving specific advice to the reader, we strongly recommend you provide links to relevant research.

We want you to bring your personal voice to every piece. However, your key takeaways for the reader need to be obvious. Our readers deserve insights they can implement or share.

Submissions must not contain undisclosed affiliate links, any calls to action, or excessive self-promotion. However, you’re allowed to link to your social media profiles.

