Pure & impure BP functions

Morva Kristóf
Unreal Engine Tech Shreds
6 min readDec 4, 2019

The concept of pure and impure nodes inside Blueprints are, at their very core, super simple and really intuitive after a few sessions of playing with the engine. However, as a project grows larger, it’s easier and easier to fall into traps, which introduce either bad performance or unexpected results, given that you don’t know how the underlying system works. In this article I’ll try to shed some light on the evaluation of pure and impure functions.

The basics

Most of you already know the difference between the two types of nodes, but just for the sake of clarity, let me explain it very shortly.

Basically, impure nodes are the ones that have execution pins and are executing actions, while pure nodes are used to parameterize these calls. Of course, we’ll see exceptions, but it is the core concept.

Example generic graph

In the example above, TickleEnemy is something you “execute”, while Self, GetActorBound and RandomPointInBoundingBox are only used to construct the inputs of this call.

We can easily switch between these two types by setting a flag in the property panel of a function.

Pure enabled for a function.


The important thing about the evaluation is that for each impure call, every connected pure node is calculated exactly once, from the leaves of the graph to the pins of the impure node. Let’s break this down.

Example graph for demonstration

In the graph above, although GetActorLocation is used in the calculation 3 times in total, it’s only evaluated once. It’s really important to understand as it can have consequences to the result of your calculation if your pure nodes are non-deterministic.

Wait, what’s a deterministic function?

It only means, that for a given input it always gives the same result. For example in math, addition and subtraction are deterministic. 2+2 is always 4 (in the decimal system at least), whatever happens with the world. It is not true for example for a function which queries the current time in nanoseconds in the given timezone from the internet: it does not always return the same value for a given time zone (as time linearly passes).

Now, this out of the way, let’s see an example where non-determinism can impact the logic of your pure nodes if you don’t pay attention.

Non-determinism example

The logic of the graphs above look the same: all we did in the bottom one is to use 3 different RandomFloat nodes instead of connecting only one to 3 different pins. In reality though, they’re gonna have different results: in the first case only one random number is going to be generated, which is then used for all the calculations, while in the second case 3 different numbers are going to be generated, hence, (very likely) resulting in a different output.

Another thing in our statement which is also extremely important: the pure nodes are evaluated for each impure call.

Example for using a pure function in 2 impure calls

Let’s consider the path finding really slow (as it probably would be in a real game). The example above would be really non-optimal, as we would run the same path finding two times! Once for the Branch, and once for the TakeActionPoints, as pure nodes are always evaluated for each impure call. It can be easily mitigated by using an impure node instead:

Using an impure node instead of a double-output pure node

And that’s all. The simplicity is given by the fact that impure nodes cache their results, so you can use them a thousand (or more) times without recalculating anything. Naturally it has a drawback: it goes against the principle of “impure nodes for executing actions, pure ones for setting up the parameters”. In this case, we are only using impure for its caching side-effect. Not as nice — but more efficient nevertheless.

Going further, let’s see another horrible example, which one can see too often:

Example for using a pure function in a loop

Looks quite average, doesn’t it? The problem is, For Each Loop is just a macro and inside, it looks like this:

ForEachLoop macro

A bunch of impure nodes! Due to the way macros work, they don’t cache any input or output (even if they can look like impure nodes with execution pins!), as they are simply copy-pasted to your graph during compile-time. It means, whatever input a macro it has, it’s going to evaluate it every time it’s used in an impure function. In the case of For Each Loop, inputs are going to be evaluated 2n+1 times (follow the execution in the macro if you don’t believe me). So if you have for example 8 matching components in the GetComponentByClass example above, you are going to query, filter and copy the array containing the components 17 times! That’s just horrible for performance, especially for expensive functions. Always use variables or the result of impure functions when you are using a blueprint loop (and you care about performance at all).

Alright, let’s get back to our original graph:

Same graph to refresh your memory.

The third part of our statement was that nodes are evaluated from the leaves to the root. In this example the sequence of the evaluation would be like this: GetActorLocationVectorLengthFloatToVectorAdditionPunchEnemy. In general, it’s common sense and it doesn’t really matter; it’s still worth to mention in some cases though, especially when some pure calls are non-constant.


Constant means that it does not change the entity to which the function belongs: it does not modify its variables, and it does not call other functions, which might modify the object’s state. To name some examples, GetActorLocation, VectorLength and CrossProduct are constant functions, they only get / calculate data, they do not modify anything. On the other hand, SetActorLocation, AIMoveTo and Possess are all non-constant, as they do modify the entity they belong to. You can mark any function Const in the detail panel to enforce a function to be constant (which is a great idea for getters and math for example).

As you’d guess, most pure functions are constant: you use them to build the parameters of the impure nodes, so they shouldn’t really change anything. And that’s the case in 99%. There are some exceptions though, for example singletons. I don’t want to go deep in programming paradigms, so instead, let’s just check out this fairly simple graph:

Singleton example

All it does is that it returns an entity if it exists, otherwise it creates it, and then returns it (called a singleton pattern). The advantage is that until you need the entity, it doesn’t exist, however, when you call the function the first time, the object is going to be instantiated, and all subsequent calls to this function will return the same entity. This way, the following graph will be completely okay:

Using a singleton

Evaluation starts from the leaves (nodes without inputs), so even though in the beginning of the graph Shooter may not exist yet, you can be sure that GetShooter is executed first, so you’ll have a valid object before getting or setting the NetPriority on it.

So… somewhat shortly that’s how pure and impure nodes are related to each other. If you feel like I didn’t explain something well enough, you find mistakes or miss something from the article, let me know!




Morva Kristóf
Unreal Engine Tech Shreds

Game Developer, lover of open source projects, freedom, sustainability and strawberries.