AI in Space and Health

Image obtained from and

The use of Artificial Intelligence is growing vastly in the field of technology. Chat-box, Robotics, Self-driving Cars, Virtual Assistants, Speech and Voice Recognizing devices are some of the common platforms where AI is currently being used extensively. Soon, it would not be surprising for us to see AI taking over most of the human jobs. Important figures like Elon Musk and Yuval Noah Hariharan have already stated how AI could lead to arm race between nations, and how killer robots could bring destruction in this world if no regulations are formed quickly. However, there are also people like Mark Zuckerberg who believes AI would not lead to catastrophe instead it would lead to some great achievements. Despite of these conflicting thoughts on AI, I believe it is up to us how we should train machines to handle tasks. And with careful use of algorithms, we could turn many impossibilities into possibilities. Besides we have just begun using AI in small scale, and in my opinion at this point we should rather think about the positive changes that we can bring in with the use of AI. The two major fields where I would like to see AI bringing valuable change is the medical field and the space technology.

Seeking medical help in United States has always been expensive. Even Hospital Payment Plans and Insurance turns out to be unaffordable for many people. Thus, I believe, if we can build Health Assistant Androids, which can take the responsibility of general physician, we can greatly reduce the expenses of visiting doctors. These androids would be able to perform all the general first-aid procedure. In addition, these androids would also have access to patient’s medical history. After carefully observing the symptoms of the patients the android-physician could easily prescribe right medicines to the patients. These bots would be especially helpful in war zones or places where it would be difficult to find doctors right away. If we can add additional features on those bots such as teaching how to exercise or do yoga could also help improving patient’s mental health. Thus, I believe the price reduction in health facility for medical patients and the possibility of operating Health Assistant Androids in remote locations would be features that would be loved by everyone.

Similarly, I would like to see a Space-bot with AI in it. Launching rockets usually costs millions of dollars. And especially if the launching fails, both the time and money spent by engineers and employees of the space agency goes wasteful. But with a space-bot, agency could save hundreds and thousands of dollars. These Space-bots will be specifically designed to launch itself into space. They could easily control their speed and cruise along their path. If any obstruction occurs along the path of the space-bots, they would be able to easily steer in other pertinent directions. I believe with the use of the Space-bots, valuable information can be gathered which could be sent back to the earth. These bots could explore around our galaxy and possibly also find the places where humans could survive. Space Agency around the world spend millions of dollars to send people, supplies, machines to study elements of the space. I believe this could be performed by a Space-bot at a lower cost. The risk of losing human life could also significantly reduce if we can send Space-bot to study space. Thus, I believe these benefits and features of the space-bots would lure all the space agencies.

Although I have poured my idea of creating Health Assistant Androids and Space-bots using AI, it may not be easy to build and implement them right away. In case of the Health Assistant Androids, we must think that it may cause disruption in the way that hospitals have been operating. Many physicians may lose their job. We must find an alternative to keep those physicians employed. Also, patients may not find the same kind of connection as with human physician when visiting Health Assistant Androids. This may result in patients not being open about their current condition and thus may lead to wrong prescription of the medicines. Similarly, in the case of space bots, it may not be possible to track these bots throughout the galaxy, and if any malfunction is to occur, we might have to send other space bots as well. After carefully considering these challenges I think we might be able to build Health Assistant Androids and Space-bots which would take us one step further in the advancement of AI.

