Cognitive Design Application Idea

Sick Assistant

Sick Assistant is an idea for an application that could be integrated into school applications for universities and grade schools. It would be a tool given to students when they enter university or school, and it will get to know the student’s health by gathering their information. It asks you if you are having to miss school because you are sick. It compiles your information that it gathers from your school about your classes, your attendance, your professors, what has been assigned for those classes, the topics and even notes for the lectures you missed. It would show doctor’s office options based on your insurance and put any doctors notes on file. It would also give you the option to send them to your professors if necessary.

Sick Assistant will be part of the school’s system and will give the user many options to handle their school stuff when they are ill.
Sick Assistant will allow users to scan in their doctor’s note so they can easily have it with them in case they forget it or need to email it to a professor. It helps students go back to class without worry.

In addition to its school clerical function, it can also help you identify if you are coming down with something through an easy to talk to conversational interface. You would tell it your symptoms, and Sick Assistant would use data from a medical search engine or even tell you stats about your health so far since it can also be synced with any fit device. You can also track your mental health and talk to Sick Assistant about how you are feeling as a daily diary entry. Sick Assistant will learn your emotional habits and try to advise you or warn you of certain unhealthy or dangerous behaviors or refer you to a mental health specialist.

Sick Assistant helps users to identify their illness by drawing info from medical search engines and/or help you to find a doctor nearby. It also can be someone to talk to when you are unhappy and it can help you to track your fitness and diet to stay healthy.

This app would help you track your health, identify if you are sick, and take care of the mundane and tedious stuff students have to deal with when they have to miss school due to illness. It will be a health buddy to students that gets to know them from their initial entrance into the university or school to help them take care of their mental health, physical health, and make it easier to take care of being absent due to illness.

