Cognitive Design Application Ideas

As someone who has a great business background I beleive it is imperative for the finanical industry to take into account the emotional/interactions that encompass financial servicing. With the current AI revolution in full swing, payments will become one of the most social things in our society. You can already see evidence of this with the rise of in app purchase and exchanges like Facebook MarketPlace, or Venmo, both which seek to capitalize on the act of transacting through social measures. Venmo users spend more time thinking of a clever caption for their payments than the actual payment itself. This is actually a great sign since creating a dynamic and functional human machine relationship requires socialization. The market has already proved its craving for innovation through socialization in the finanical services industry, an industry that is not known for trying to push boundries. These facts have lead me to consider two ideas for the Design Application Project that is upcoming.

IDEA 1: Tailored Cryptocurrency Investment Advisor/Teacher

I hope to create an emotionally cognitive experience to advise and educate people on the future of digital money, and how they should invest accordingly. The bot will act as a helpful hand in a very new and innovative space that will potentially change the world financially. All the while the assistant will provide tailored investment advice that can take into account social views or beliefs of the user, thus creating socially promoted investments for the betterment of the user and the world.

IDEA 2: AI Generated Playlists/ Listening Experiences

The AI bot can take into account a user’s listening history, along with their mood and other variables to produce hypothesis on what music to output to the user. The AI will then learn from its mistakes and triumphs from user generated feedback, thus creating a look of gradual success in a seamless listening experience. This bot will explore and discover perfect songs for any situation for its user, which will allow freedom from time consuming play listing task. The hope is the AI eventually knows your habits and listening history so well that it can predict what you will listen to next, before you are even considering the thought. The idea is for the perfect music experience to be ready for you upon usage of the music service, which allows for the user to enjoy the music experience to a higher degree which will lead to more service usage.

Peter Shortino

