Current Cognitive app experiences — College Edition

The digital economy created by Steve Jobs should be documented as one of the single biggest contributions to the innovation market. Jobs through his work allowed for the creator in all of us to come out digitally through apps on the Apple App Store marketplace. Apple’s works have lead to the rise of apps with enriched cognitive experiences that connect with the user. The four I would like to focus on are also some of my most cognitive stimulating apps to invest time on personally. The four apps I believe exemplify a cognitive app experience for the human users are: Spotify, Timehop, CoinBase, and Venmo.


Spotify brilliantly intertwines the idea of user music curation with alorithmic processes that can make the process of listening to music much more effiecent. Spotify curates playlists that are ran by an algorithm that senses mood in the songs and creates playlists based on the users moods at certain times of the day based on previous and predictive auditory and listening data. This is a cognitive experience brings the hassle of finding music to its knees therefore creating a more pleasurable environment for the user and the curated music.


Timehop an app that brings up any social publications that share an anniversary with the current date, is surprisingly a hotbed for a desirable cognitive app experience. The animated dinosaur is essentially your guide through the dichotomous process of viewing past social media publications and/or pictures. This app hits every emotional button it can knowingly, but this process creates an emotional experience every single time. We all have those moments we would like to forget but are forever enshrined on the pedestal known as the internet. The animated dino will make sure your journey goes as smoothly as possible.


CoinBase is the most popular way to invest in cryptocurrencies in the United States. Some would question the validity of a cognitive experience when it comes to buying and selling assets, however I have noticed that CoinBase plays on a cognitive experience with the user to incentivize transactions which lead to more fees collected for Coinbase. “Not the worst business model, but for sure not the best.” Coinbase changes the 24-hour change in price of say an asset like Bitcoin to different hour markers throughout the day to make investing in the asset more attractive. This cognitive experience can lead to a lack of full education before an investment, therefore this cognitive experience must be taken into account while using a financial app such as CoinBase.


Venmo made transactions of money social and entertaining for users to the point where people will spend minutes thinking of the perfect caption for the transaction. All the while you are spending more time and brain power on the Venmo interface, convoluting ways to out humor your friend. Venmo has made something as simple as an exchange of value fun and exciting for everyone. This genius revelation led Venmo to be purchased by PayPal, a company looking to expand its social presence in the financial payments world.

I chose these applications because they cover a wide range of cognitive experiences users interact with on their respective devices. From music streaming to cryptocurrency the individual application’s cognitive experience is made to pleasure the user in some fashion. These are some apps that are used daily by many people, and I want people to be aware from creative to financial apps there is an inherent cognitive experience between the interface and the user.


From childhood to full blown adulthood no company has cultivated a finer cognitive experience for me personally than the Disney Parks which falls under the Walt Disney Company. The second I step into the Magic Kingdom the rush of childhood blissfulness returns in a swooping singular moment. The ability to entertain is a cornerstone of the Walt Disney Company, and this would not be possible without a thorough understanding of the company-customer relationship. Disney not only gathers your attention for vacations, but also on a regular family night with Lion King playing in the background . Safe to say they know how to entertain not only domestically but abroad as well. The Disney brand as cultivated the human cognitive experience so well that it has never met a border it could not cross. The people clamor for the Disney experience around the globe. Disney’s job is the figure out the best way to deliver the Disney Brand to many different cultures and people worldwide. This can only be done by pushing the boundaries of questioning what the human cognitive experience is, a task I will give immense credit to Disney and Bob Iger “CEO” for replicating day in and day out. The Disney brand allows you to think like a kid and realize the hard truth that anything is still possible.

Cognitive experiences shape perception; if you can begin to understand the cognitive experience you can then begin to understand the nature of perception.

