Defining Roles

Technology and Education

As a User Experience Research and Design professional, I imagine my role in an AI team to be focused on the holistic experience our product offers to it’s intended audience. Validating various aspects and need of an idea through research, and implementing that in a curated journey which engages the user would be my forte. My role would be focused more on the user side, rather than the technical aspects working behind the scenes.

Starting from a standard benchmark, AI would give us the capability to learn about the user over time, and personalize the product interactions better suited to his/her needs and wants. With the capability to analyze large amounts of data quickly, and derive learnings and patterns from it, our team would be able to make more customer-centric decisions.

Focusing on the relation of the user with the product more than the product itself, I would be able to bring an empathetic approach to the design and implementation of any strategy, bringing in factors like a multitude of perspectives, ease of use, efficiency, and aesthetics. This would help the product achieve its intended goal in a more user-friendly, making it an integral part of the user’s process.

Being interested in the field of education and learning, and designing products and experiences to better that aspect in society is what interests me the most. With targeted research and capabilities of AI on aligning educational approach with the needs and learning style of the user, I would like to work on making democratic education more effective and globally accessible. From bringing education costs down and increasing accessibility to assisting teachers and being a student’s learning companion, AI can take various roles in this ecosystem.

AI has already been applied to education primarily in some tools that help develop skills and testing systems. There are numerous institutes and companies working in this field. From helping grade assignments, find weak points in course content, to visualizing concepts in a virtual environment, AI, and technology in general, is reforming the way learning is perceived. The way we interact and consume information is changing rapidly. Our understanding of “education, teachers, and classroom” is something that will undergo massive transformations and changes in the next decade.

The idea of a utopian system with free access to knowledge and no barriers to limit an individual’s zeal to learn and grow act as the main source of inspiration. With physical, economic and societal barriers no longer existing between an individual and his goal ( of education ), people would be free to choose and act in the direction they want their life to go. One issue that would still need to be resolved is the economic and policy barrier that will present once these technologies are perfected and implemented.

