Driver — An AI Experience Concept

About two weeks ago I purchased a new vehicle, and I was hopeful that the technology from 2014 to 2016 might have gotten a bit better. Especially since the new car I was driving was a much higher grade and quality model than my last. Unfortunately, there was almost no difference in the tech.

I still find myself clicking around clunky menus in hopes of trying to find what I need prior to taking off or while stopped at an intersection. Using the voice activated systems in cars is no better. They have next to no cognitive ability, they can hardly understand or respond to what you are saying, and you will be stuck slamming the cancel/hang-up button they hear something wrong.

Thus, the idea for Driver was born. It is a phone integrated AI system with the ability to connect to your car through USB, Aux, or Bluetooth. It is an app that integrates with existing phone activation systems to enhance their connectivity within vehicles. It enables a true hands-free driving experience.

Driver Integration System

Drive use would be completely hands-free, creating the ultimate assistant in undistracted driving. The system would function through a series of commands, similar to Google, Siri, or Alexa. The system would integrate compatible phone apps (done through corporate collaborations or the installation of a support program) and assist the driver in a friendly, easy-to-use, and familiar companion.

“Hey Driver…”

“Hello, Driver…”

“Driver Assist…”

These are some of the phrases used to activate driver independently or while driving. Following these by a string of commands will set Driver to work, creating, adjusting, or changing things while you focus on the road ahead.

The system will integrate your preferences with Siri, Android, or other smart cellular systems to ensure the most comfortable user experience.

Please see some concepts about driver below.

This is a flow chart for Driver’s functionality. It is incredibly basic but walks you through some of the basic cognitive functions it will be processing while on and off the road.
A mock phone display system
A mock car display system

Application Comparability

Systems: The latest iOS, Android, and Google
Cars: Gracenote, Apple Play, Google Play, and select 2018 car systems
Languages: English, Spanish, German, French, Chinese
Applications: Google Maps, Apple Maps, Panodra, Spotify, Soundcloud, Apple Music, Waze, Messaging (All systems), Phone (All systems), Weather, WhatsApp, etc.

Other languages, cars, and systems are planned for development.

