Homework 4A

With our GrillmAIster technology, it would solve a lot of problems that backyard grillers have when it comes to throwing a BBQ party. Becasue this technology works autonomously to cook your BBQ meal, it would allow for the griller to engage and hang out with their family or friends and not have to worry about tending to the barbecue every 5 minutes. Our machine would have a library of recipes and methods of cooking that will tailor to how the individual using the machine likes to cook. The machine will also include a mechanical spatula system to automatically flip and serve your main courses and sides. If we implement this technology into professional kitchens as well, it could save a lot of time and money for restaurants in high demand, like Franklins BBQ. To have a technology that perfectly grills your meats and vegetables, the issue of over cooking or under cooking food would be a thing of the past.

To investigate the need for this technology, we would need to interview avid BBQ party throwers to get a better understanding of what is needed in an all-in-one grilling machine. Because we want this technology to be prodominently for home use, it is important that we survey home chefs to find out what is currently lacking in their grilling experience.

Interviewing restaurant owners and professional chefs would help us find ways to integrate this AI into the commercial sphere, as well as troubleshoot potential issues with our designs. Would our design put a lot of people out of work? Would it make the kitchens and business run more efficiently? These are some of the questions I would want to survey restaurant owners and to keep in mind as we adapt our GrillmAIster for industrial kitchens.

It would be in our best interest to interview companies or individuals who design and create grills themselves. This is the area where a lot of our insight would come from because we need a solid understanding of how conventional grills operate to be able to incorporate AI into our machine. They could also help provide us with data and materials of the type of machines individuals favor.

In doing this research, we will further our understanding of the need for a machine like we are creating. This type of technology is good for our group because it is unlikely to have much of a bias when it comes to grilling beyond ‘charcole or propane’, which will be a factor in our research to discover which method people prefer. We also must account for if a majority of individuals enjoy the process of grilling, which would cause us to revist and revise our game plan for designing this AI grill.

