Key Problem

Our idea of a cognitive experience through a cultural immersion app is one that will allow for users to expand their ability to see new things in familiar places. However, these benefits cannot be met without innovating unique solutions to problems that will arise in the production of this cognitive experience. The major problem that I will be researching will be the issue of isolation within the app. The application although expansive personally can be a truly social cognitive experience that can bring users together to be immersed in new things together. The team and I have begun to think of some routes we can take to approach this problem of possible isolation within the app. We are trying to solve this problem because we believe that when humans come together with vulnerability, in the form of a new cultural experience, great ideas emerge.

Our Research objectives will be to tackle the idea of isolationism on the app for users that can be led to isolation especially through finding technologies that can help us fight against the issue. Along with this, we want to bring to light the idea of people coming together to enjoy these experiences. Consequently, we want to embody an atmosphere for the users’ personal growth with their social growth, which will give the business an easier path to cash flows. By making the app a social safe haven for cultural immersion our cognitive experience delivered will improve exponentially as it will be able to understand more people more accurately. To do this we must approach the problem with methodical and planned action.

Our first step in figuring out this problem will be to conduct secondary research on the user and business end to understand what can drive people to app isolation and what strategies can be used to bring them together. For example we will attempt to hold phone interviews with representatives from Pokémon Go. This will allow us to see how they implemented AR, and how that conversely brought a mass amount of people together to enjoy the experience of playing Pokémon on your phone with all your friends. On the user end we plan on observing many cafeterias around campus and interview people who are sitting alone or sitting with friends and get down to the core reason they made that decision. We also plan to use AI to scour the reviews people post to apps such as Pokémon, Airbnb, etc., to see how the people feel about the experience being offered. After accruing all this data, we will analyze our human knowledge of emotion along with the user data from other app experiences to formulate a few hypothesis how we can tackle isolationism issues with cultural immersion.

Our plan for conducting the original secondary research will be completed before March 10th. This will give us approximately two weeks to analyze the data with cunning edge technology and formulate our plan to fix the issue of isolationism. To make sure we do not let personal biases come into play, we must approach the issue of isolationism with a vail of ignorance so we can understand what led to the choice to be isolated, and how we can change that for the better. We can do this by using the computer to our advantage, and running probability test based on geographical levels of isolationism within current working apps. By making sure we bring the best parts of cultural immersion and social connection together, we can offer a cognitive and emotional experience through innovative technologies for the betterment of the community as a whole.

