My Experience of Using The AI Design Thinking Exercises and Human-to-Machine Communication Model

I found AI design thinking exercise to be very fruitful. As a team, we used AI design thinking mural board to lay out plans to solve the problems faced by people who wanted to make career switch. The mural template that we used helped us to identify the problem more clearly. Besides team goals the design thinking process helped us to observe the stakeholder needs and the user traits. After understanding the problem, we started focusing on the user privacy, ethics and biasness of the product that we were trying to design to solve the problem. The AI design thinking exercise helped us to generate more ideas regarding these issues. We were able to set priorities of the objectives that we were trying to fulfill from our product. Moreover because of the design thinking exercise we were able to see that development of soft skills for the users who wanted to make career switch could be an enormous AI opportunity. Although there are several apps which are built around the development of hard skills for career switchers, there are hardly any apps which concentrates on developing soft skills. Thus, from design thinking we found that with the power of AI we can make a bigger impact in the life of career switchers by helping them develop soft skills. Thus, finally after laying out all the plans for our product with the design thinking exercise, we were able to create prototype and road map to develop our product physically.

I believe Human to Machine Communication model inspired us to implement cognitive ability in a right way in our product. It helped our team to better understand how users want to use AI integrated products. People expect high level AI innovation to have vast knowledge which would have its own perception, motivation, learning, and reasoning capacity. And after processing the information it can give output in a form which can be sensed by humans. These features of AI innovation help to create essential cognitive experience. The Human to Communication model was vital for us to understand since it helped us to understand how cognitive experience could be blended in our product.

Overall in my opinion I found both AI design thinking exercise and Human to Communication model as very essential resources for the development of AI product. The design thinking exercise helped us to lay out plans for designing AI innovation whereas Communication model helped us to create cognitive experience for our product. Both tasks were successfully completed. Although we had guest speaker from whom we learned about designing process, my only suggestions would be to invite more people who are working on developing such AI products. Since we are only designing, it would be nice to see how engineering would come into play so that we can see what actual data are being used to create algorithms.

For future users, I would like to recommend to fully utilize the resources such as design thinking template and communication model to refine their AI innovation.

