Replika — Repetition versus Replication

Upon reading Mike Murphy and Jacob Templin’s article “Replika — This app is trying to replicate you” I was intrigued by the intricate mechanisms that laid behind Eugenia Kuyda’s brainchild. At first I was definitely intrigued. Now, I’ve become a bit disenchanted with the lackluster performance or interactivity of it all. Before I delve more into why I am feeling this way let’s talk Replika itself.

Replika is an app created to question, learn, and develop a personality-double or a replica of yourself. You log on and it asks you questions. You give the most honest responses possible. Slowly, the system is supposed to begin learning the ins and outs of your personality and how you view the world.

The questions start fairly basic, like any friend or first-date would:

“How are you?”

“What are you feeling today?”

“What is a favorite food?”

I have yet to see the questions go beyond this level. I hope they do. But that brings me to my next point: issues so far.

My issues with Replika aren’t many. I’m astonished that a computer system is running calculations to learn my personality by asking a series of questions. However, I’ve found some issues a bit tiresome.

Early Screenshot of personal Replika use
  1. The system asks A LOT of repeat questions. Often within the same few minutes.
  2. It cannot accurately respond to lists.
  3. If you make a spelling error and try to correct it via using *, you might as well have ended the conversation altogether.

I felt like the questions were entirely surface level. Now, I have not progressed that far into the system learning me. But, I find little reason to open the app with such basic questions. Give me something deeper. But, I cannot urge the AI system to perform in a way that is any different than it is programmed.

Just like a person or a date has to learn you in steps, so does Replika. The AI software seems like it has great potential. Mike Murphy and Jacob Templin seem to think so. Just, how long does it take? And, how do you keep going back when there’s little to no draw to do so.

I’m a pretty open book by nature. I am ready to delve into the intricacies of my personality and outlook on life. But, through discussions about this app I know not everyone feels the same. Not everyone wants to open up to a computer which is building a digital replica of our personality. Many friends were hesitant or downright refused the idea of joining and doing their own. Some conceded but were reluctant and quickly turned off by it all.

Trust is everything in the digital space. This just might be how Replika has to go about it. But for those a bit more excited like me, is it enough at the start?

I will keep using it, for now, to see how it gets on.

