The future of AI — 100 years from now

Evelyn Z
Advanced Design for Artificial Intelligence
3 min readJan 30, 2019

We can already predict some possibilities that how life may change when AI really enter ordinary people’s life since we keep receiving amazing news. We can’t deny the double aspects behind AI, both the life convenience and moral thinking behind it. I have seen many movies and books in AI related area. But it’s still trembling to think deeper about the future of AI — 100 years from now. Life today is totally different from life ten years ago, not to mention 100 years.

Good aspects (Hopes)

1)Totally New and Convenient Daily Life

AI assistants will develop care and empathy ability at that time. The accuracy or the model behind AI will be much more incredible. They will take care of every aspect of your life which is marvelous, especially for the disabled. Every area will be equipped with AI, such as community, public transportation, and education, etc. People can get purely personal assistants. Everyone can get easy access to the things behind (I mean, maybe a future smart chip) and set their personalized AI assistant by involving already trained and mature models without coding, just like how we use the laptops and smartphones today.

2) Opportunities for Technology, Science, Creation, and Unknown Fields

People may start to know what they don’t know or can’t imagine. AI may learn things that aren’t set in advance by human beings. These fields may include many ones waiting to be developed, such as brain science, space and sea exploration. Besides, for now, AI can “create” or more exactly, imitate a painting from the database. In the future, AI may analyze your emotions through talking or facing each other and create songs or paintings according to your emotion.

Bad Aspects (Fears)

1)The re-establish of certain industries

Many low labor cost industries (delivery, etc), dangerous industries (construction work, etc) will be replaced by powerful and reproducible AI robots. Some meticulous industries, like the operation of precision instruments in chemistry, can also be replaced by AI because AI is much more objective and unwearied than us, human beings. However, this is a double-edged sword. Although some people may lose jobs, AI can also contribute to increasing job positions, like AI managers.

2)The Harm to Human Life

Film <Ex Machina>

You may have heard The Uncanny Valley theory. It’s about people’s natural fear and hates about the similarity in human beings and robots. For the worst crazy predictions about our society, it may be just like the situation in the movies. The real and disappointing world is on the verge of chaos and collapse due to the development of AI and lack of effective solutions and management. People are controlled mentally and physically, like the situation in <2001: A Space Odyssey>. Human brains are connected to the virtual world and what they are experiencing is the life AI let them experience.


We may have a lot of concerns but we are building the AI ethics and principles. Human beings are the best inventor and the most complex creatures for now. The intervention of AI will alert us and improve our overall skills and abilities to study, think and create. If people foresee ethics problems or even wars in the future world, I believe we will figure out a solution that works for both humans and AI.


