The Job I Dream Of…

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

I always thought of myself as a “Creative” person. However, I turned out to be the typical Indian stereotype who got pushed into Engineering. I had the aptitude but not the attitude that was required to make a good Engineer. After I graduated with an undergraduate degree in Engineering, I got a job developing websites. It was perfect! It helped me tap into my creative side that had been dormant for four years. I am not oversharing, there is a point to this — I promise.

I decided to go back to school and pursue my Masters because I noticed a disconnect between the designers and developers. With the pace at which AI was progressing, I felt that the Tech community would feel the need for designers with a technical background to develop user centric AI based systems. I realized it would be a perfect amalgam of my skills and interest.

My dream job is to design and build user facing AI products.

Photo by Randy Tarampi on Unsplash

I am majoring in Human-Computer Interaction and Data Science. A lot of how AI operates is a blackbox which can be very scary if people are subjected to that ambiguity and mystery. So the question really is “How to make this powerful technology seem harmless yet crucial?”. I think I would be awesome at determining the region where creativity meets feasibility.

I am yet to come across a job listing that perfectly describes what I want to do. When it comes to AI products, I see jobs that lean heavily towards either technology or design and not a healthy mix of both. However, I am positive (or really, really hope) that if I keep looking, I will find the perfect mix — maybe I am looking in all the wrong places. What worries me the most is that this “perfect mix” does not exist. I see real value in this kind of job and it would be tragic if the world doesn't see it too.

