What Artificial Intelligence(AI) will look like in 100 years from now?

Image : ghananewsonline.com

Artificial Intelligence is already transforming our lives. We are surrounded by semi-autonomous cars, robotic machines, smart biometrics which are just a few examples of AI used in technologies around us. Artificial Intelligence is getting better and will be constantly evolving and impacting almost every area such as education, healthcare, entertainment, governance, public safety etc. With more adoption and innovation it has the potential to improve the quality of human life significantly.

The growing technology gives great hopes for future. Some of the positives of advancements of AI can be:

Disaster handling and recovery:

In situations such as natural disasters, the human cost involved in relief work is huge. With the advancement in AI, robots and drones can potentially reach affected areas which are very difficult for humans to reach and save human lives.

Safety and autonomy:

Some research suggests that by the year 2119, most of our life decisions will be taken by AI. The way researchers are thinking, they can train AI better to take unbiased and ethical decisions which can result in a better and safe world.

AI and accessibility:

AI has already made great advancements for accessibility. The auto captioning, creating automatic image descriptions are few examples which has made technology accessible to people with impairments. In 100 years from now, the technology will advance to a stage where it will offer equal opportunities and comforts to people with impairments.

Concerns about AI :

Advancements in AI for lethal development

The weapon development using AI can be lethal for society and can lead to global arms race to another level. Some of the big thinkers in the industry have shown similar concerns for future AI advancements in this area.

Human detachments from real world

We may start living in a virtual world surrounded by machines and will start getting detached from the real world. It can also affect the emotional ability of humans. When people will be surrounded greatly by machines which will do all their jobs as well as make decisions for them, people may have less empathy for each other in future.

Machines taking over human jobs

Many of the human jobs have been taken over by robots currently and is likely to continue taking over in future which can result in major unemployment and poverty levels.

By the year 2119, future will be way different than we can see and imagine currently. With such great advancements in technology, 3D printing, autonomous cars, space travels and many more, it is hard to predict that how will humanity respond and adapt to it. Will it make us humbler or more arrogant or fearful or will we better understand and appreciate our own origins? These are few questions which only future can answer.

