What does the customer value?

One of the issues that we need to understand is regarding which parts of an apartment are most important to customers. To do so, I propose listing several apartment facets, such as Price, Neighborhood, Amenities, etc, and having the customer rank them in importance from 1 to 5. Then, I would repeat the exercise but then have the customer rank all of the options in rank order. This might provide a bit more data on what is truly most and least important.

We could also incorporate a version of this procedure into our final product, perhaps during the initial stage where we use cognitive to learn the individual’s preferences.

Ideas for categories: Price, Neighborhood Trendiness, Neighborhood Safety, Amenities, Landlord Quality/Responsiveness, etc.

I think that allowing the customer autonomy and privacy to complete these questionnaires, as well as blinding myself to their identities and only analyzing results will provide a reasonable amount of independence from bias and pre-conceived nations. From these results, we can work on implementing features to help customers with the parts of the apartment that they care about the most.

