Ask a scientist, round 1

Philipp Markolin
Advances in biological science
3 min readJan 25, 2017
Image credits to Duke University.

Scientific literacy is more important than ever. We live in a world reimagined by science, no human endeavor shaped the quality of life and prosperity more than science. Yet, for all the comfort science afforded us, many were all to happy too let go of any understanding of science.

This is dangerous, because science holds power. In a democratic society, scientific literacy is a public good and not to be withheld or exclusive to a selected few. Good democratic decisions that aim at betterment for everyone can only be made when the public is engaged and informed.

How to regulate genetically modified animals or plants? Should vaccination be mandatory? Does it pay of to lead a good life? Is climate change human caused? How old is the earth and how was it created? How do we know what we know? What is the probability that we are wrong? What is evolution? Can our brain be biased? Is there an afterlife? How easy to manipulate are out senses?

A big part of why the world is not as good as it could be is the lack of understanding for the universe we live in. Yet, we crave knowledge and understanding, for without it, we are lost. In fact, we are so desperate to comprehend, we go to great length to find something to believe in, to not get lost in the darkness of the unknowable.

The good news is, that with science, for the first time in the history of our conscious species, we developed the means to create light. The darkness is ever retreating by science’s blinding flame.

Science literacy does not mean one has to necessarily become a torch-bearer against darkness, it means that one assumes the role of the protector of light, so that we do not inevitably fall back into darkness.

In that spirit, I want to open the first round of “Ask a scientist”. Science communication is a two way street, science literacy can only be achieved if people are engaged in the topics. Most of the times, people already know a lot but miss one or two critical perspectives to really understand any given subject. Sometimes, they just need a point to get started.

So about what would you love to have a scientific perspective on?

Send you questions to or post them directly to this article!

We will compile your questions and address them, either in bulk or individually. Questions will also be anonymised unless explicitly wished to include the inquirers name.

This story is part of advances in biological sciences, a science communication plattform that aims to explain ground-breaking science in the field of biology, medicine, biotechnology, neuroscience and genetics to literally everyone. Scientific understanding has too much barriers, let’s break them down!

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Philipp Markolin
Advances in biological science

Science holds the keys to a world full of beauty and possibilities. I usually try something new.