2019: A Year in Review

From all of us at Advancing Justice | AAJC, thank you for a year of hard-fought wins and ongoing work toward justice. Let’s look back together on what you helped us and the community achieve.

2019 Advancing Justice Conference in Atlanta was our largest yet


The 2019 Asian Americans Advancing Justice convention in Atlanta was our affiliation’s largest convention yet. We covered voting rights, the 2020 Census, and arranged caucuses for groups across the country to connect on pressing issues in the community.

Empowering Young AAPI Leaders


We convened young leaders for our Youth Leadership Summit and many went on to work on projects on their college campuses that are meaningful to the Asian American and Pacific Islander community. For instance, one alum is planning a tri-college Asian American student conference and others are hosting advocacy workshops for students.

We amped up our tech and telecommunications work with the AAPI Tech Table


We amped up our technology and telecommunications work with the AAPI Tech Table. We hosted a Google reception and launched a campaign to educate our audience about digital access.


We fought for our communities and won a case in Texas to protect minority voters from being purged from the voter rolls.


The Value Our Families coalition got more than 60 cosponsors for the Reuniting Families Act. In July, we brought in more than 60 people from 23 states to make 125 legislative visits to their representatives about why family-based immigration is important to them and to our nation.

We honored Harvard students supporting affirmative action at our annual American Courage Awards.


For our 2019 American Courage Awards, we awarded Harvard students who raised their voices and testified in support of Harvard’s affirmative action policies. Just days before the October event, a federal district court judge ruled in favor of Harvard’s race-conscious admissions policies.


We made a large push for those who are eligible to naturalize as USCIS continues to make changes to the naturalization process, including eliminating fee waivers and raising fees, impacting low-income immigrants the most.


We released a comprehensive report, Inside the Numbers: How Immigration Shapes Asian American and Pacific Islander Communities, with Advancing Justice-LA on how immigration policies impact the Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander communities and presented the report to members of Congress and community members on the Hill.


We won our case against the citizenship question the 2020 Census! Among the multiple lawsuits filed on this issue, our lawsuit was the only one that focuses on the Asian, Latino, and Native American communities.


We launched our 2020 Census Get Out the Count Campaign! We did messaging research, launched a website, toolkit, webinars, a podcast, factsheets, and so many resources to help partners and community members have a full and accurate count for our communities.

Thank you for your ongoing support! We hope you enjoyed the top 10 moments of the year and ask that you consider making a contribution as we head into 2020 and the next decade of fighting for civil and human rights. Donate here.

P.S. Please consider automated monthly contributions to help us sustain our impact to our communities. You will be acknowledged as a “Sustainer” by becoming a monthly donor. Visit our donate page at www.advancingjustice-aajc.org. You can also contact gyamada@advancingjustice-aajc.org. Our 501(c)3 tax ID# is 13–3619000.



Advancing Justice – AAJC
Advancing Justice — AAJC

Fighting for civil rights for all and working to empower #AsianAmericans to participate in our democracy.