AAPI Content List

At the Intersection of Solidarity: A Reading List for Black and Asian Communities


Demonstrators with #Asians4BlackLives take part in a Martin Luther King Day march on January 16, 2017, in Seattle, Washington. (Credit: SCOTT LUM VIA FLICKR)

By Vivin Qiang and Louise Liu

As communities across the country observe and celebrate Black History Month this February, it is also a moment for deeper learning of our histories together. In recent years, a pernicious narrative of Black-Asian conflict has pervaded our communities and the media. From the 1992 Los Angeles Uprising, to the scapegoating of COVID-19-fueled anti-Asian hate on Black perpetrators, this narrative reduces the complex yet intertwined relationship between Asian and Black Americans and seeks to erase our long history of interracial collaboration, activism, and solidarity.

While tensions exist, we should not overlook the moments where our communities have stood alongside one another.

Our communities have always engaged and learned from one another, including many in the Asian American community who followed in the footsteps of pioneering Black leaders in the civil rights movement. In fact, the term “Asian American” was first coined in the 1960s due to inspiration from the radical activism of the Black Power movement. Asian and Black goals for liberation are intertwined, and we are united in our fight for racial justice. As Asian Americans, it is our responsibility to stand in solidarity with the Black community. This Black History Month, take a look at our picks on content that discuss Black-Asian solidarities, our interwoven narratives, and bridging the gap.

Photo of Yuri Kochiyama (left) and Malcolm X (right)

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In their Own Words (Podcasts/Interviews):

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Vivin Qiang is the Manager of Strategic Communications at Asian Americans Advancing Justice | AAJC.

Louise Liu is the Anti-Hate Communications Coordinator at Asian Americans Advancing Justice | AAJC.

Asian Americans Advancing Justice | AAJC has a mission to advance the civil and human rights of Asian Americans and to build and promote a fair and equitable society for all. Visit our website at advancingjustice-aajc.org.



Advancing Justice – AAJC
Advancing Justice — AAJC

Fighting for civil rights for all and working to empower #AsianAmericans to participate in our democracy.