American Courage Awards 2024

May Tiwamangkala: A Catalyst for Change, from Resilience to Advocacy

The 2024 Changemaker Award honoree is a formidable voice for marginalized communities and a beacon of resilience


In a few short weeks on October 3rd, Asian Americans Advancing Justice — AAJC will host its American Courage Awards. This annual event is a celebration of the trailblazers — individuals, groups, and corporations — that have made significant contributions to advancing civil rights. The Changemaker Award, a highlight of the ceremony, honors those remarkable figures who not only inspire but actively drive substantial, positive change across communities.

This year, we are privileged to honor the inspiring journey of May Tiwamangkala, who has been a relentless advocate with a life story that encapsulates the essence of positive change and dedication.

May’s journey began with the pursuit of a Philosophy degree at Arizona State University (ASU). However, this goal was abruptly halted due to a two-year incarceration that tested their resilience and fortitude.

In this personal hardship, May discovered a passion for empowering others.

They dedicated themselves to tutoring fellow inmates, many of whom were women striving to earn their General Educational Development (GED) certificates. This role as an educator was not merely a way to pass time; it was a transformative experience for May and their students fostering hope and a sense of achievement within the prison walls. Within the confines of this challenging environment, May turned adversity into opportunity by immersing themselves in self-education, devouring books donated by an ASU professor. This period of introspection and learning became the foundation upon which May built their future endeavors.

Emerging from incarceration with a renewed purpose, May became a formidable voice for marginalized communities.

Their first-hand experiences with disenfranchised women in prison ignited a fierce commitment to social justice. Collaborating with a local journalist, May helped expose the exploitative conditions of Arizona’s inmate wildland firefighting program. Their efforts brought national attention to the issue, highlighting the broader implications of prison labor exploitation.

May’s advocacy further evolved upon joining the Puente Human Rights Movement, and subsequently, Arizona AANHPI for Equity, the only AANHPI organization in Arizona focused on advocacy and civic engagement. Under May’s leadership, the organization tackled issues directly affecting the AANHPI community, particularly in the wake of increased violence and discrimination. Organizing vigils and unity marches, May championed the need for cross-racial collaboration, bringing together diverse communities to heal and advocate for collective change.

Currently as the Advocacy Director of AZ AANHPI for Equity, May leads initiatives across several fronts: voting rights, reproductive justice, LGBTQ+ rights, climate justice, and redefining public safety to end the cycles of harm perpetuated by the carceral system. Their work not only addresses immediate concerns but also lays the groundwork for long-term systemic change.

May has also spearheaded the work of their organization, AZ AANHPI for Equity, to address and counter racist and xenophobic legislative measures that threatened voter inclusivity, curtailed immigrant rights, and targeted communities of color based on immigration status or alienage. In doing so, their organization was represented in the courts by our litigation team and worked alongside our voting, CE, immigration and education teams here at Asian Americans Advancing Justice | AAJC. This collaboration effort was crucial in challenging House Bill 2243, a voter purge bill with potentially sweeping discriminatory effects. This victory not only protected the rights of AANHPI voters, who constitute a significant portion of the naturalized community in Arizona, but also underscored the importance of vigilance and advocacy against voter suppression tactics.

May’s legacy is more than a testament to individual resilience — it is a call to action for all of us to engage in the ongoing fight for justice and equity.

The Changemaker Award recognizes May’s unparalleled impact, which inspires us to support the continuous struggle against injustice and to stand in solidarity with those pushing the boundaries of what is achievable in community advocacy.

Today we celebrate May’s indomitable spirit and continue to support the vital work of advocates like them.

Our 2024 American Courage Awards signature event will honor individuals and those in the corporate sector who have shown extraordinary commitment to civil rights on Thursday, October 3 at The National Press Club in Washington, DC. Register to attend here.

Asian Americans Advancing Justice — AAJC has a mission to advance the civil and human rights of Asian Americans and to build and promote a fair and equitable society for all. Visit our website at



Advancing Justice – AAJC
Advancing Justice — AAJC

Fighting for civil rights for all and working to empower #AsianAmericans to participate in our democracy.