Must-Read Round up: From Japanese Internment to Immigration Detention

Ameesha Sampat
Advancing Justice — AAJC


Activists compare family detention practices to the incarceration of Japanese Americans in internment camps

With George Takei’s response last week to Justice Clarence Thomas’s argument that slavery and internment did not strip anyone of their dignity, we thought it would be a good time to brush off the best reads in recent history illuminating the internment of Japanese Americans:

In the past few months, prominent Japanese Americans and activists have cautioned against present-day practices that recall the unjust and unjustified incarceration of innocent and often vulnerable people:

“ICE’s misguided effort to build child-friendly prison camps repeats the inhumanity that the U.S. government inflicted on Japanese-American families during World War II. If Obama administration officials implementing family detention ignore the lessons of the past, they will assure their own ignoble place in history.” — Carl Takei, staff attorney for the American Civil Liberties Union’s National Prison Project

Finally, today marks the first day of a National Week of Action to End Immigrant Detention, organized by the #Not1More campaign along with Detention Watch Network, We Belong Together, Families for Freedom, and others. Andrea Cristina Mercado at the We Belong Together campaign sounds the call for President Obama to end the incarceration of families in an op-ed to the New York Times.



Ameesha Sampat
Advancing Justice — AAJC

Obsessively in pursuit of joy via social justice, dancing, painting, fishing. Outreach Manager @Public_Justice. Opinions my own.