Adventurers who are chasing their dreams

Shweta Venkatramani
Published in
4 min readJan 3, 2018

Have you ever browsed through nature magazines or television shows with picturesque sceneries and wondered what it would be like to witness that beauty in real life? Over the past few years, adventure and travel have become quite popular. It has become a much needed healthier and rewarding vacation experience as opposed to lying poolside in a resort with food and drink. Adventure can mean different things to different people and each person has their own take on the subject. While it can be exciting and inspiring to read about someone else’s adventures going out on one yourself is a whole other experience. Take a peek into a few adventurer’s diaries as they write about their own unique experiences in the great outdoors.

Andrea Hayward

Adventurer's Diary - Andrea

“My most memorable date with nature trails back to the day I went cycling at Sanjay Gandhi National Park with a few close friends. I showed up at the gates bright and early; only to find the cycle stand closed on Mondays. However, much of adventure for me is spontaneity. So we decided to trek instead, with ‘till we get tired’ as the destination.

This accidental trek has been one of my most rewarding life experiences. Not only did I witness a majestically spotted deer-pair grabbing breakfast, but I realised that the picture quality of LED flat-screens have nothing on a sun-kissed family of butterflies.

We went on to find a peaceful little brook that has since been named “The Sanctum”. Home to smooth pebbles and tiny fish, this serene patch of nature instilled in me a new sense of calm. Most Importantly, I learned that “special” isn’t exclusively synonymous with the exotic. Brilliance could very well be bouncing about your backyard, waiting to be discovered. All you need is a sense of wonder for the little things.”

Riya Parikh

Adventurer's Diary - Riya Parekh

Riya Parikh, a B.Com graduate and an avid adventurer describes how empowered she felt being amongst nature. “The experience is both powerful and humbling. It made me realise that it’s more than just exotic destinations and the need to tick things off your bucket list. More than the destinations, milestones, check-ins and pictures; it’s the endless journey from one place to another that I adore the most. It had nothing to do with gear, footwear, backpacking or even with getting from point A to B. It had to do with how it felt to be witness to the majesty of nature” says Riya.

Drashti Sangani

Adventurer's Diary - Drashti Sangani

“For many travelers, the experience is more about finding themselves than anything else,” says Drashti Sangani . “The adrenaline rush, the excitement to explore pristine places, the satisfaction one gets after the dire need of a break but above all the opportunity to discover a part of your being that had become alien to you over time.

This incredibly long list is the reason I not only like adventure but long for it. I pursue it, not only as a hobby but as an escape from the mundane, when everything just seems to get too much. My most memorable experience so far has been from my recent trek to the Deo Tibba base in Himachal Pradesh. Our destination was located at a height of 6,001 m, and it was just before the summit when all of us had started giving up, with the rising altitude and lack of oxygen wreaking havoc on our tired bodies we braved through it all one step at a time, but when we reached the peak it was all worth it. We forgot all about how tired we were, as we took in the majestic scenery that surrounded us. This was an enriching experience that left us with lessons and memories that will last us a lifetime”.

Bappaditya Bhattacharya

Adventurer's Diary - Bappaditya Bhattacharya

A traveling enthusiast and a co-founder of a travel company explains how he thinks adventure has helped him eliminate negativity from his mind. “Adventures take us out of our comfort zones. We explore new places, try different things and although it is uncomfortable at times, we feel exhilarated. Travel satisfies our curiosity and urge to know more. I also believe that travel frees your mind of all kinds of negative thoughts and helps us channel our energy towards living the life we want to. My most memorable experience was sleeping under the milky way at Rashol in Himachal Pradesh. It’s priceless to have the galaxy as your ceiling for a few days,” says Bappaditya with a sparkle of excitement in his eyes and a maniacal smile.

All these adventurers have their own stories of adventure and their own views on it. Adventure and travel have helped them find they’re true capability and rediscover themselves. Reading their accounts is inspiring, so head out into in the world and create your own stories. It’s never too late to start!


